- Config
- Redis、MySQL
- Response
- Docker Deploy
git clone https://github.com/chenxingyuu/gin_template.git
cd gin_template
cp config_template.yaml config.yaml
go run cmd/server/main.go
docker build -t gin_template .
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name gin_template gin_template
# or
docker-compose up -d
├── cmd # Directory containing the application's command-line interface.
│ └── server # Executable for running the server.
├── config # Directory containing the application's configuration files.
│ ├── config.go # Configuration file parsing.
│ ├── constant.go # Constant.
│ └── env.go # Environment variable parsing.
├── deployment # Directory containing the application's deployment files.
│ ├── Dockerfile # Dockerfile.
│ └── docker-compose.yaml # Docker-compose.
├── internal # Directory containing the application's private application and library code.
│ └── app # Application code.
├── pkg # Directory containing the application's public library code.
│ ├── datastore # Datastore.
│ └── response # Response.
├── LICENSE # License.
├── config_template.yaml # Configuration template.
├── go.mod # Go module file specifying the project's dependencies.
├── go.sum # File containing checksums for the project's dependencies.
└── main.go # Application entry point.