To use this:
- you need to download all the files and directories in the repo locally
- point your browswer at /.html using the browser file command
zoomable-treemap Rectangular treemap; select; zoom All databases, * zoomable-sunburst "sunburst" arrangement; select; zoom All databases, *, ** dndTree Clickable/dragable tree; click+/- All databases, * bubble bubble area chart All databases, *
radial-tree Radial Tree arrangement All databases cluster-dendrogram Tree with leaves "aligned" All databases
tax-indented-tree "Clickable indented tree"; click+/- All categories
select Allows user to "select" a criteria (eg: size or count) to visualize on; implemented as a mutually exclusive selection criteria click +/- Allows user to click an object (usually to expand/collapse detail underneath that object) zoom Allows user to "zoom" in on a point of reference by clicking it (and zoom back out by clicking elsewhere).
All database A full list of all database offering (relational and non-relational) including more obscure offerings and offering types (no filtering).
All categories A list of all the categories, including the non-database categories, not all the entries.
These visualizaitons should support some sort of "cutoff" criteria, to allow user to filter.
** This visualization currently has no labels; need to implement labels or some sort of mouse-over/hover to allow user to indentify details.
NOTE: this will ONLY work with Firefox and Safari, there is a "cross platform security" issue with Google Chrome (at least on OS-X, it may work on Linux).
. (root) Contains .html files ./js Contains JavaScript (.js) files ./json Contains JSON (.json) data files ./css Contains CSS style sheets
raw-data.csv Raw data from Google Spreadsheet (); downloaded as a .csv file convertcsv.json raw-data-csv file converted to JSON using web service @
database-taxonomy-template "template file", hold sturcture for the database-taxonomy
database-taxonomy-all.json All database offerings, all fields (including "website", "details" and "type").
database-taxonomy-size-10-plus.json All database offerings, but only "name" and "size" fields, and only offerings with "size" >= 10. (weeds out the stragglers mannually) database-taxonomy-size-all.json All database offerings, but only "name" and "size" fields, for all offerings regardless of size (so includes the stragglers).
content-store.json data-taxonomy.json document-store.json event-store.json graph-dbms.json key-value-store.json multi-model.json multivalue-dbms.json native-xml-dbms.json navigational-dbms.json object-oriented-dbms.json rdf-store.json relational-dbms.json search-engine.json wide-column-store.json JSON files for individual database categories (e.g. relational-dbms.json for all offerings where "type" = "Relational DBMS"). These files are effectively substitued for the "--DUMMY NAME--" entry in the template file (json/database-taxonomy-template).