- Here is the Frontend repo of this app. Link to Backend Repo
A tracker calories application inspired by my personal need. It was made with ReactJS, Ruby, Rails, Javascript, Postgresql, Material UI, API, and CSS
- React
- Ruby
- Rails API
- Javascript
- Active Record
- PostgreSQL
- Bcrypt + JSON Token
- Material UI
- Clone this repository
- Using the terminal navigate to the root directory
- Run "Bundle Install", then "rails server" from backend directory
- Run "npm install", then "npm start" from frontend directory
- Without sign up or log in, users can read the update to date news about fitness, health, and nutrition.
- When sign up or log in successfully, users can see their Food Log and automatic updated Calories Score on the right corner of the screen.
- Users can search for the food they want to add to their log. Food will appear with information likes categories, calories.
- Users can add food for their breakfast, lunch, and dinner on their chosen day in the calendar. Then the target calories for that day will decrease.
- Users can delete any food log of a day. Then the target calories for that day will increase.
- Users can click different days on the calendar to see their record food log.
- After log in or sign up