this repo code and exe in linux that just help you to save your keystroke for your repeated or regular commands for MORE information ([]
- w - write an key
- p - print existing commands
- r - remove a key
- there is a code and executable called q
- save q in /usr/bin
- linux
- windows(just change the url in the source and compile)
- first try to save a command
- q w key "value"
- q w code "vim /home/{user}/p.c"
- directly call it from any where ######format:
- q code
- q p
- q r code
- q code
- vim gets opened
You can see the results i got
- real 0m0.005s
- user 0m0.000s
- sys 0m0.004s
- currently cd command is not working
- you cannot place a value "cd /home/{user}" instead can place "vim /home/{user}"
- besure each user have his own key value saved in /home/{user}/Documents/c.txt