Parallel Fully Dynamic Maintenance of 2-Connected Components (Please download the report and view as sometimes the document doesn't render well on this platform.)
This repository consist Extended Version of the paper. Click here for quick link to the paper. Please download and view the file as it might not render well on this platform.
This directory contains the implementation of our algorithms. The instructions to run these implementations is available in README file inside the directory.
The directory Reports includes an extended version of our paper.
Dataset Name | Link | Vertices | Edges |
amazon0302 | | 262111 | 1234877 |
web-Stanford | | 281903 | 2312497 |
web-Google | | 875713 | 5105039 |
roadNet-PA | | 1088092 | 1541898 |
roadNet-CA | | 1965206 | 2766607 |
cit-Patents | | 3774768 | 16518948 |
soc-LiveJournal1 | | 4847571 | 68993773 |
europe_osm | | 50912018 | 108109320 |
com-orkut.ungraph | | 3072441 | 117185083 |
webbase-2001 | | 118142155 | 1019903190 |
For our implementations we present the constraints and input format for the input graph:
- The graph is undirected and connected.
- The vertices are labelled from 0 to n-1, where n is the total number of vertices in graph.
- The first line contains two space-seperated integers n and m indicating total number of vertices and edges respectively.
- The following m lines contains the endpoints of edges space-seperated.
- As the graph is undirected, for an edge between vertex x and y, we provide two edges in the input namely (x , y) and (y , x).
In the Data Preprocessing directory, we provide the scripts to convert the datasets and also the instructions to run the scripts.