This is a tiny project to make a simple calculator using 16x2 LCD Display, 4x4 Keypad and ATmega8 microcontroller.
This is a part of 6th Semester Lab Projects on the course CSE 612 titled Computer Interfacing and Microcontroller Lab
Session 2015-16
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Chittagong.
To build Intel Hex (.hex) or .elf file:
- Install avr-gcc, avr-libc, avrdude, gcc, make
- Install WinAVR for convenience.
- Open a terminal/command prompt in the project root directory.
- Run
There is a Proteus 8.3 project file (Calculator.pdsprj).
- Build .hex file as shown in section 2.
- Open Calculator.pdsprj with Proteus 8.3 or above.
- Run Simulation.