Pinball. ChinoPinball is an opensource tool for mapping pinball via projection.
The project is under development.
- First step, build a pinball game ( forces , objects, textures, events, score, scenes, etc )
- Map the game projection to a physical space
- Create scenario editor for editing scenario directly at the place where it is projected
- Build interfaces to shoot and play game
###GITHUB fork master branch
Dude, where's my fork? Each developer has to fork in his Github ( click on website fork ) Then clone it to you git client
>> git clone http://GitHubProjectAdresss
develop your code add changes to the local repo
>> git add <filename>
>> git add *
upload your changes to your github branch
>> git stage xxx file
>> git commit -m 'message to the statge files'
>> git push or git push -u origin master
if the local repo is not connected to the remote one
>> git remote add origin <server>
update local repository with remote changes
git pull
>> git checkout -b <branch> #create new branch
>> git checkout master #switch to master branch
>> git branch -d <branch> #delete branch
>> git push origin <branch> #push branch to remote repository
git merge <branch>
restore file with the last working copy from HEAD
>> git checkout -- <filename>
When finally u wanna merge it, to chinos master branch push from origin to master
>> git push -u origin masterChinos
###Examples of similar projects
- OF008
- ofxBullet
- ofxSyphon
- ofxJSON
- ofxDmx
- ofxFTGL
Currently developed on MAC (XCode 5.0.2, MAC OS SDK 10.8, LLVM compiler) and Windows (CodeBlocks) (not countinued)
We are using MadMapper for projection mapping
###Projection mapping
Mappig the game on one surface with 3D elements
- First step is to find or build a physical space for mapping (like a wall or ramp with some 3D elements)
- Second, setup projector and don't touch it later
- Next, in the game, adjust free camera position and FOV according to spectators' point of view (it is not the same as projector's point of view) and fix the camera
- In Madmapper grab video from Syphon and adjust it so that game's perspective fits to the physical space
- Edit scenario using scenario editor to fit the table and objects to physical elements
Mappig the game on multiple surfaces with 3D elements
We don't know how to do this yet ...
###Scenario editor
The idea is to be able to create scenario directly on the place where the game will be projected, without prior preparation (only the objects could be prepared earlier). Then, maybe we could also let the people create scenarios by themselves.
Editor should have the following functionalities:
- saved/load scenario to a file
- change width and height of a table (with walls)
- add new objects
- select object to edit
- edit object's properties:
- position XY (we can forget about Z for now), the best would be drag&drop
- scale
- rotation
- color
- objects types: lever, hammer, obstacle ...
###Key bindings
- F3 - CollisionVerbose
- F4 - EditorVerbose PinballChinoManager
- f - fullscreen
- s - save camera position to file
- l - load camera postion InputEventManager
- enter - restart game
- down - move hammer
- m/M - move right lever
- z/Z - move right lever
- d/D - draw debug ScenarioEditor
- e - toggle editor mode
- x - saving scenario to file
- 0 - add a ball
- 3 - add a lever
- 5 - add a hammer
- 6 - add an obstacle