Some simple Trongate Framework Snippets for sublime text 4 based of off Jakecastelli's trongate-vscode snippets
Contributions Welcome!
tabTrigger | Description |
tgc | Creates a class that extends Trongate |
tg:submit | Creates a submit function |
tg:for | Creates a foreach loop in a Viewfile |
tg:if | Creates a if condition in a Viefile |
tg:ifelse | Creates a if else condition in a Viewfile |
to use the snippets navigate to: C:\Users<your_username>\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text\Packages\User and add the trongate-snippets folder into that folder.
<!-- your snippet goes here, tab positions should be marked ${1}, ${2} and so on... $0 marks where last tabstop ends -->
<!-- for class name default name you can use ${<num>:<default name>} in the tab marker.
<!-- in front of dollarsign on php variables we must put a single \ in front of it like so: \$var for it to shoa as var in snippet-->
if (${1}) {
${2}// do suff if here
} else {
${3} // do other stuff here
<description>Add a description for the snippet, will show in dropdown list</description> <!-- optional (filename as default description if not used) -->
<tabTrigger>add the keyword that triggers the snippet on TAB (us tg:) as prefix and check that it is not in use by the other snippets first.</tabTrigger>
<!-- <scope>source.php</scope> -->
<!-- optional use source.php if the file already starts with <?php and only php is used in source file, or commet it out if you want it to show in all places -->