Git repository to hold Group Security AWS research scripts, playbooks and code.
The goal of this project is to design, deploy and configure a AWS research environment focused on Security Event visualisation and AWS Security capabilities
Project main tasks:
- Create an automated AWS Environment that can be rebuilt every day
- Install and configure an ELK stack that consumes all AWS events and logs stored in S3
- Create a CI pipeline that starts vulnerable applications and web attacks tools aimed at those apps
- set up AWS WAF to protect the vulnerable apps --
In order to run these automation playbooks and scripts the following is needed:
- A Unix host(macOS or Linux)
- Virtualenv / pyenv
- Ansible
- Boto3
# Download respository
$ cd Projects; git clone
# Change directory
$ cd gs-aws-research
# Create new virtualenvironment with pyenv
$ pyenv virtualenv 3.4.0 venv
# Activate the virtual environment
$ pyenv activate venv
# Install requirements.txt
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the aws configure
command and enter your AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key
$ aws configure
$ AWS Access Key ID [****************7MKA]:
AWS Secret Access Key [****************u1eV]:
Default region name [eu-central-1]:
Default output format [json]:
The following tools and technologies will be used in the environment.
Elasticsearch will be used for consuming and visualising logs in the Environment
Prometheus will be used for monitoring metrics in the enviroment
Ansible automation tool will be used for provisioning, configuration and orchestration of the whole AWS environment and components deployed in the environment.
Cloud-custodian will be used for house-keeping tasks in the AWS environment. Cleaning and destroying old EC2 instances, ensuring security and compliance AWS configurations end setups.
The environment will be provisionesd with vulnerable web applications that will be protected and monitored by Amazon WAF and logs visualised by ELK from AWS logs storewd in S3 buckets. The logs will be consumed and analysed and AWS Lambda used to update WAF configurations based on the attacks detected in the logs.
Naming and tagging AWS services and components is important and has to be done in order to identify and work with the correct resoures in the AWS environment.
Below are some good examples of naming conventions that can be used: