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Slacker is a bot for Slack built on the Node.js platform.

Slacker processes Slack WebHook requests and executes pre-defined actions before responding to Slack.


  1. Clone this repository.
➜ git clone [email protected]:chris--young/Slacker.git
  1. Install Node.js.

  2. Set Slack Integrations.

* Create a Outgoing WebHook in Slack and point it to your instance of Slacker.

  * Be sure to update `token` in `config.json` to match your outgoing-webhook.

* Create an Incoming WebHook in Slack. 

  * Be sure to update `hostname` and `path` in `config.json` to match your incoming-webhook.
  1. Start Slacker.
➜ sh Slacker 


Actions are script files located in the actions/ directory. When Slacker receives a request from Slack it will check for and execute the appropriate action. Actions receive a data object with relevant information about the request from Slack, process the data and then return a response string. Slacker facilitates the response process.

Creating an Action

  1. Create a new JavaScript file in the actions/ directory.

  2. Require the bot module.

  3. Define your action as an object.

  4. Call bot.addAction() to complete the process. Slacker will search the actions/ directory and add valid actions when worker processes come online.

A Sample Action

var bot = require(__dirname + '/../bot.js');

var action = {
  name: 'echo',

  trigger: /^echo \".*\"$/,

  description: 'Echo a string to Slack.',

  setup: function() {
    // This method will be run at server start up.

  execute: function(data, callback) {



The name attribute defines your action. It is used by the help and list actions to inform users about your action. name attributes must be unique; Slacker will ignore actions if their name has already been defined by another action. This attribute is required on all actions.


Your action's trigger attribute is a regular expression which defines when it will be exectued. If a Slack user activates your bot and his message text matches your action's trigger then Slacker will perform your action. trigger attributes should be unique; Slacker will ignore actions if their trigger attributes have already been defined by another action. This attribute is required on all actions.


The description attribute is a string used to describe your action when a user triggers the list action. This attribute is required on all actions.


The setup() method will be run when Slacker worker processes come online. You can use this method for any pre-execution logic you may need to perform. This method is optional.


Slacker calls the execute() method when a request requires that your action be performed. It receives a data parameter with relavent request information, and a callback paramature that must return a string which will be the bot's response in Slack. This method is required on all actions.

The data Object
var data = {
  team_id: 'T028JNZFM',
  team_domain: 'mobdev',
  channel_id: 'C02DCNQRN',
  channel_name: 'slacker-testing',
  timestamp: '1405215092.000210',
  user_id: 'U02A1R3PM',
  user_name: 'chris_young',
  text: 'echo foo'


Slacker uses Mocha for testing. To run the tests first install Mocha.

➜ npm install -g mocha

Then run the tests.

➜ npm test


Slacker is a bot for Slack.






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