A build dashboard for jenkins for all who are no allowed to install jenkins plugins.
Target users are NOT admin-users who setting up their own jenkins, for a single project and are free to do whatever they want with their jenkins installation. Thy should have a look for the Jenkins Build Monitor. This application is for users with no admin access to jenkins and with no possibility to install or update plugins, like in companies where build server is provided as a service for all development teams.
The Jenkins Dashboard doesn't claim to be a full monitor of all builds and history, that is provided by jenkins itself, but should give a quick and easy overview if all builds are passed. You should be able to get this information while you just walk by the dashboard.
Every build is publishing a docker image on Dockerhub.
App is maybe slow if much builds have to be load. Their is no caching or anything else at the moment.
- Fixing layout
- Configuring URL in yaml file
- Configure which projects to see
- Making multiproject layout
- using SSL
- caching or no reloading for not changed builds
- use environmentvariables to make containerization possible