Smart Contract Wallet is a wallet as a deployed smart contract that can hold Ethereum and any ERC20 token. It can also send and receive Ethereum and ERC20 tokens.
: Smart contracts source codepublic
: Create React App public foldersrc
: The frontend source codesrc/web3
: Custom web3modal login logic
: Scripts for deploymenttest
: Unit testing
git clone
cd blockchain-developer-bootcamp-final-project
code .
make a copy of
and rename it to.env
fill in your credentials in
npm i
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat node
- You should see the following output:
Started HTTP and WebSocket JSON-RPC server at
WARNING: These accounts, and their private keys, are publicly known.
Any funds sent to them on Mainnet or any other live network WILL BE LOST.
- Then a list of 20 accounts will be displayed with 10000 ETH each.
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network localhost
- localhost is defined as port 8545 in
- You should see the following output:
Deploying contracts with the account: 0x...
Account balance: 10000000000000000000000
Wallet address: 0x...
npx hardhat test --logs
In order to use the contract as your wallet, you (as the owner) need to deploy it to the testnet.
To deploy to your choice of Testnet Network, you can use the following command:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network <testnet of choice>
To verify the source code, run this in the terminal:
npx hardhat verify --network <testnet of choice> DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS
The contract is deployed by me (the owner) on the Rinkeby Testnet with the contract source code verified engaging in all functions:
npm start
- Metamask Wallet
- Hardhat - Development framework and local blockchain
- React - Frontend framework
- Solidity - Ethereum smart contract language development
- Ethers - Library to interact with Ethereum nodes
- JavaScript - Front end and unit testing
- Infura - Connection to Ethereum
- Open Zeppelin - Smart contract libraries and interfaces