🌄 Good morning, good afternoon, or maybe good evening. 🌆
Thank you for visiting my Github :). I have been a ~soydev~
since 2019. Learn programming they say, it will be fun they say... Now that I have sunk an irreversable amount of time and soul in, it might be too late to recover :(. I just hope that I can be a 5x dev by the end of my life and a few forks and stars edge onto my gravestone. I'll be happy as long as I can take my vim config to heaven with me ☁️.
- 🛰️ Satellite imagery and geospatial analysis
- 👀 Computer Vision and CNN
- 💁 Generalist data stuffs in your usual stack
- 📈 Scientific plotting and LaTeX
- 🐈 Going overboard with my neovim / zsh / kitty setup
🧻 I have a weeny amount of paper published, mostly refugee camps mapping and resilience research
⛰️ I like sports, climbing, running, and touching grass
🚋 Hobbyist urban planner, mostly practicing in Cities Skyline
For actual portfolio of things that I can barely do, see my website
Waste your time and chat to me about your setup!
- 💼 Connect with me on LinkedIn
- 📅 Book a 30 min quick coffee chat
- I've pledged to give 10% of income to effective charities and invite you to join me.
👇 In the pinned tabs you can checkout my sample code that nobody will ever read again, as well as my config files, which are probably more useful to you.