Guzzle event subscriber to decorate responses to provide Hal resources.
If you register the listener it will decorate the responses from Guzzle
giving them a hal
method. This will return a Nocarrier\Hal
resource created from the response body.
Require the extension:
$ composer require rmiller/hal-guzzle-response:~0.1
Attach the listener:
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$emitter = $client->getEmitter();
$subscriber = new \RMiller\HalGuzzleResponse\GuzzleSubscriber();
Get the Hal resource from the response:
$response = $client->get($url);
$hal = $response->hal(); //\Nocarrier\Hal
Note: an attempt will be made to convert the response body from JSON and XML to a Hal resource.
If neither is successful a \RuntimeException
will be thrown. This happens when hal
is called,
so it is safe to wrap other responses and not call hal