Due to the fact that there are no official and global Ansible conventions, sometimes is really difficult reusing roles/playbooks from the community, people use different strategies and conventions to create roles.
This repo is about patterns: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_design_pattern . A pattern is a piece of reusable code, as I like to define and reuse patterns for myself and for the rest of the people to help understanding my code, I have created this kind of example. It is not about good practises, because those things depends on the organization, on the context, on the people ... it is about documenting a way of working. I have defined some conventions and patterns in my roles with the aim of having something to clone and start working on a new role, helping to get always the same structure and making easy to understand. This is a kind of document that you have to read by opening the different files to understand the reasons and patterns used.
Moreover of this example/pattern-collection role, there are other documents that help me to define it, some of then are:
- 6 practices for super smooth Ansible experience: http://hakunin.com/six-ansible-practices
- Multistage environments with Ansible: http://rosstuck.com/multistage-environments-with-ansible/
To sum up: make everything reusable and interchangeable.
Please, have a look at the files of this role and read the comments. Good starting
point is defaults/main.yml
Each role should be independent and reusable, minimizing external dependencies, except, of course, if it needs something like java to run a service. In that case it can be a dependency defined in the
, but never things like a database, because the database server can be running on a different host, even you could use things like SQLite. The dependencies should be defined at playbook level, because Ansible is kind of stateless orchestrating tool (task oriented), so it is difficult to control when a role was called from others with different parameters. To sum up, try to keep the dependencies at the top level (playbook level). -
A role/playbook should be idempotent and predictable, that means, for example, if it is re-provisioning a server and there were no changes, it has no to restart the associated service. If no changes on the input (variables), the result has to be the same as the previous time, without restarting the service.
Each task needs a name and it should be a block of code, please, do not put lines from diferent tasks together, it makes it difficult to read. Divide them in groups and files using tags with the same name as the tasks file:
: in charge of installing the distribution packages and after running the service should be stopped (unless no configuration is needed).configure
: in charge of creating the configuration settings and make sure that the service is enabled and started.plugins
... : in charge of additional setups.
for specific distribution parameters of the service, think about something like constants in a programming language. Usually those parameters they do not affect the functionality of the service which you try to install, it is just about package names, file locations, folder names, ... nothing to do with the real settings in the configuration files of the service. Invars
folder there are usually Debian and RedHat files with specific parameters which are going to be loaded in those cases. Do not work against distribution philosophy, try to keep the files in the same place where your distribution usually has put those files. -
If you want to maintain your code, keep name consistency between the playbooks, inventories, roles and group variables. In Ansible there is a global variable scope, so a good approach is prefixing all role variables with the name of the role. I am using
for internal facts defined within the role, in the same way as Python variables. -
to define the service settings in order to get parameterized roles. There you should define your service defaults settings (to use them in the template), and the recommended defaults (from the owner/programmer) should be defined in the template withparameter | default()
. By doing in that way, one could reuse those templates in other provisioning tools different than Ansible. -
Make the role at least available for RedHat/Centos and Debian/Ubuntu distributions. To help you on testing it in those ones, just create a
ready to run it with some defaults for typical usage, like a demo. Finally, at least, write a Readme file documenting such typical usage of the role. In my case, I like to put all the parameters commented out indefaults/main.yml
José Riguera López jriguera@gmail.com