A hobby project of Chris Hurt. This 3D C++ engine features a basic render engine, physics engine, input manager, and entity-component system.
- Select File->Export->Wavefront (.obj)
- Set "Forward" to "Z Forward"
- Make sure only the following are selected:
- Apply Modifiers (optional)
- Write Normals
- Include UVs (optional)
- Triangulate Faces
- Objects as OBJ Objects
- Export to project "res/" folder
- 32-bit PNG
- Square
- 2n side length
- All alpha values set to 0 or 1
Collideable(Transform * transformIn, Vec3 * offsetIn, float radiusIn);
Vec3 * collisionWith(Collideable * collideable);
Vec3 * worldCenter();
void setColor(Vec3 * colorIn);
void setPicked(float pickedIn);
float getRadius();
DirectionalLight(Vec3 * colorIn, float intensityIn, Vec3 * directionIn);
Vec3 * getColor();
void setColor(Vec3 * colorIn);
float getIntensity();
void setIntensity(float intensityIn);
Vec3 * getDirection();
void setDirection(Vec3 * directionIn);
Kinematics(Transform * transformIn, Vec3 * velIn, Vec3 * angVelIn, Vec3 * accIn, Vec3 * angAccIn);
Vec3 * getVel();
void setVel(Vec3 * velIn);
Vec3 * getAngVel();
void setAngVel(Vec3 * angVelIn);
Vec3 * getAcc();
void setAcc(Vec3 * accIn);
Vec3 * getAngAcc();
void setAngAcc(Vec3 * angAccIn);
Material(Vec3 * colorIn, float ambientIn, float diffuseIn, float specularIn, int shininessIn);
Material(string * diffuseMapFile, float ambientIn, float diffuseIn, float specularIn, int shininessIn);
Material(string * diffuseMapFile, string * lightMapFile, int shininessIn);
Mesh(string * objFile);
MousePicker(Collideable * collideableIn, bool enabledIn);
bool isSelected();
bool isEnabled();
void setEnabled(bool enabledIn);
PointLight(Vec3 * colorIn, float intensityIn, Vec3 * attenuationIn, Vec3 * positionIn, float rangeIn);
Vec3 * getColor();
void setColor(Vec3 * colorIn);
float getIntensity();
void setIntensity(float intensityIn);
Vec3 * getAttenuation();
void setAttenuation(Vec3 * attenuationIn);
Vec3 * getPosition();
void setPosition(Vec3 * positionIn);
float getRange();
void setRange(float rangeIn);
Skybox(string textures[], Vec3 * rotIn); // Texture order: R, L, U, D, F, B
Vec3 * getRotation();
void setRotation(Vec3 * rotIn);
Transform(Vec3 * posIn, Vec3 * rotIn, Vec3 * scaleIn);
Vec3 * applyRotationTo(Vec3 * offset);
Vec3 * getPos();
void setPos(Vec3 * posIn);
Vec3 * getRot();
void setRot(Vec3 * rotIn);
Vec3 * getScale();
void setScale(Vec3 * scaleIn);
static Game * instance();
void init(int width, int height, string * title, Vec3 * clearColor);
void start();
void setClearColor(Vec3 * clearColor);
bool addScene(Scene * scene);
Scene * getScene(string * name);
bool setCurrentScene(string * name);
void setDebugToolsEnabled(bool enabled);
Vec2 * getWindowSize();
float getAspectRatio();
bool isInitialized();
void close(int status);
Entity(string * tagIn);
string * getTag();
void attachCollideable(Collideable * collideable);
void attachDirectionalLight(DirectionalLight * directionalLight);
void attachKinematics(Kinematics * kinematics);
void attachMaterial(Material * material);
void attachMesh(Mesh * mesh);
void attachMousePicker(MousePicker * mousePicker);
void attachPointLight(PointLight * pointLight);
void attachSkybox(Skybox * skybox);
void attachTransform(Transform * transform);
Collideable * getCollideable();
DirectionalLight * getDirectionalLight();
Kinematics * getKinematics();
Material * getMaterial();
Mesh * getMesh();
MousePicker * getMousePicker();
PointLight * getPointLight();
Skybox * getSkybox();
Transform * getTransform();
bool isActive();
void setActive(bool activeIn);
virtual void onGameStart() {};
virtual void onGameStop() {};
virtual void onSceneLoad() {};
virtual void onSceneClose() {};
virtual void onAdd() {};
virtual void onRemove() {};
virtual void onUpdate() {};
virtual void onLateUpdate() {};
inline Scene(string * nameIn, Camera * cameraIn);
void addEntity(Entity * entity);
list<Entity *> * getEntities(string * tag);
list<Entity *> * getEntities();
bool removeEntity(Entity * entity);
int removeEntities(string * tag);
void clear();
string * getName();
Camera * getCamera();
bool hurtButtonPressed(int button);
bool hurtButtonDown(int button);
bool hurtButtonReleased(int button);
Vec2 * hurtGetCursorPos();
void hurtSetCursorPos(Vec2 * pos);
void hurtSetCursorVisible(bool visible);
bool hurtKeyPressed(int key);
bool hurtKeyDown(int key);
bool hurtKeyReleased(int key);
Mat4(float * valsIn);
float getVal(int row, int col);
float * getVals();
Mat4 * add(Mat4 * mat);
Mat4 * sub(Mat4 * mat);
Mat4 * mul(Mat4 * mat);
Mat4 * mul(float val);
Vec4 * mul(Vec4 * vec);
Mat4 * transpose();
Mat4 * inverse();
float x, y, z, w;
Quaternion(float xIn, float yIn, float zIn, float wIn);
Quaternion * conjugated();
Quaternion * mul(float vecX, float vecY, float vecZ);
Quaternion * mul(Quaternion * quat);
constexpr float HURT_PI = 3.14159265f;
float hurtDegToRad(float deg);
float hurtRadToDeg(float rad);
float x, y;
inline Vec2(float xIn, float yIn);
Vec2 * add(Vec2 * vec);
Vec2 * sub(Vec2 * vec);
Vec2 * mul(float val);
Vec2 * pieceMul(Vec2 * vec);
float dot(Vec2 * vec);
Vec2 * normalized();
float length();
float angleBetween(Vec2 * vec);
float x, y, z;
inline Vec3(float xIn, float yIn, float zIn);
Vec3 * add(Vec3 * vec);
Vec3 * sub(Vec3 * vec);
Vec3 * mul(float val);
Vec3 * pieceMul(Vec3 * vec);
float dot(Vec3 * vec);
Vec3 * normalized();
float length();
float angleBetween(Vec3 * vec);
Vec3 * cross(Vec3 * vec);
void rotate(Vec3 * axis, float theta);
float x, y, z, w;
inline Vec4(float xIn, float yIn, float zIn, float wIn);
Vec4 * add(Vec4 * vec);
Vec4 * sub(Vec4 * vec);
Vec4 * mul(float val);
Vec4 * pieceMul(Vec4 * vec);
float dot(Vec4 * vec);
Vec4 * normalized();
float length();
float angleBetween(Vec4 * vec);
Camera(Vec3 * posIn, Vec3 * forwardIn, Vec3 * upIn, float fov, int windowWidth, int windowHeight, float zNear, float zFar);
void moveRight(float delta);
void moveUp(float delta);
void moveForward(float delta);
void moveY(float delta);
void moveRightXZ(float delta);
void moveForwardXZ(float delta);
void turnHorizontal(float delta);
void turnVertical(float delta);
bool isLocked();
void setLocked(bool locked);
float getTurnSpeed();
void setTurnSpeed(float speed);
Vec3 * getPos();
void setPos(Vec3 * posIn);
Vec3 * getForward();
Vec3 * getUp();
extern Mesh * HURT_CUBE;
extern Mesh * HURT_PLANE;
extern Mesh * HURT_SPHERE;
extern Mesh * HURT_QUAD;
static Time * instance();
float getDelta();