sonews is an Usenet News Server written in Java. It can use various backend types, currently supported are MySQL and PostgreSQL (CouchDB in development).
The requirements for building and running sonews are:
- Apache Maven
- Java 17 for sonews/2.1 or higher
- MySQL/PostgreSQL installation (CouchDB possible for sonews/2.1 or higher)
Note: Hibernate OGM required for CouchDB support is currently unmaintained and should not be used.
Checkout the sources of the latest stable release using Git:
$ git clone
$ git checkout tags/sonews-2.0.0
sonews uses Apache Maven for building and dependency managing. Use the following command to build and package sonews:
$ mvn clean compile package
If you get an error message such as
Fatal error compiling: error: invalid target release: 17
then make sure that the default JDK of your machine is at least Java 17.
To start sonews/2.0 on port 9119:
$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.sonews.Main" -Dexec.args="-p 9119"
For sonews/2.1 or later use:
$ java -jar sonews/target/sonews-boot-2.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -p 9119
You may want sonews to listen on the default NNTP port (119) without running as root user. This can be achieved by redirecting all TCP connections on port 119 to a higher port where sonews can listen as unprivileged user:
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 119 -j REDIRECT --to-port 9119
- Create a database in your database system, e.g. named like 'sonews' and give it a dedicated database user
- Create the necessary table structure using the util/*.sql file
- Customize the Spring application setup via creating a sonews.xml (use sonews.xml.example file)
- Customize the settings within the sonews.conf file (you'll find a template in util/ or let sonews create one on first startup)
- Start sonews as described above
sonews is Free Software licensed under the terms of the GPLv3.
Please report any issues at or write a mail to mail(at)