"Work with http" is a pet-project written on C++. It's simple http server written using unix sockets and stl features.
- JSON support using nlohmann/json
- Connection: close
- Middlewares
- Unsupported get requests from google chrome
- Creating instance
c_tcp_server server;
c_router router;
- Adding middlewares(override http response, if null, run router function)
router.middlewares.emplace_back( []( c_http_request* request ) -> c_http_response* {
return new c_http_response(c_http_response::Created);
} );
- Inserting route
router.routes.insert( std::make_pair( std::make_pair( "/authorize/loader", "POST" ), [&]( const c_http_request* request ) -> c_http_response* {
std::map<std::string, std::string> headers;
headers.insert( std::make_pair( "Content-Type", "application/json" ) );
return new c_http_response(c_http_response::OK, request->body, headers);
} ) );
- Parsing request
server.new_connection_event = [&](c_tcp_socket* client) {
client->message_received_event = [client, &router](const std::string& request) {
const auto http_req = new c_http_request(request);
const auto response = router.listen(http_req);
- Running server
while (true) {
Due to the fact that only JSON is currently supported, serialization is performed using nlohmann/json "Arbitrary Type Conversions"
- JSON support using nlohmann/json