原经纬度选择器作者很久没更新了, 我使用腾讯地图选点的时候觉得很难用, 因为搜索结果的点总是遮挡住我要选的点, 只能自己稍微做修改自用
composer require chuchu-z/laravel-admin-ext-latlong -vvv
修改后的版本使用到了腾讯地图的 WebService API, 所以需要去注册腾讯位置服务注册账户创建一个 Key 和 Secret key
选择签名校验, 获取到Secret key
然后需要在配额管理 - 账户额度 里, 修改 关键词输入提示 这项, 点击配额分配, 填写到最大值, 提交即可, 一天10000次调用, 正常情况都是够用的, 如果额度不够用就只能去升级企业开发者了
最后把生成的 Key 和签名校验的 Secret key 加到.env配置文件即可正常使用
组件, 组件支持的地图包括Google map
、Yandex map
This extension is used to help you select the latitude and longitude in the form, which is used to replace the Laravel-admin
built in Form\Field\Map
component. The supported maps include Google map
, Baidu map
, AMap
, Tencent Map
, Yandex map
// For laravel-admin 1.x
composer require laravel-admin-ext/latlong:1.x -vvv
// For laravel-admin 2.x
composer require laravel-admin-ext/latlong:2.x -vvv
Open config/admin.php
and add the following configuration to the extensions section:
'extensions' => [
'latlong' => [
// Whether to enable this extension, defaults to true
'enable' => true,
// Specify the default provider
'default' => 'google',
// According to the selected provider above, fill in the corresponding api_key
'providers' => [
'google' => [
'api_key' => '',
'yandex' => [
'api_key' => '',
'baidu' => [
'api_key' => 'xck5u2lga9n1bZkiaXIHtMufWXQnVhdx',
'tencent' => [
'amap' => [
'api_key' => '3693fe745aea0df8852739dac08a22fb',
Suppose you have two fields latitude
and longitude
in your table that represent latitude and longitude, then use the following in the form:
$form->latlong('latitude', 'longitude', 'Position');
// Set the map height
$form->latlong('latitude', 'longitude', 'Position')->height(500);
// Set the map zoom
$form->latlong('latitude', 'longitude', 'Position')->zoom(16);
// Set default position
$form->latlong('latitude', 'longitude', 'Position')->default(['lat' => 90, 'lng' => 90]);
Use in show page
$show->field('Position')->latlong('lat_column', 'long_column', $height = 400, $zoom = 16);