% Gitlab Hackday % Patrick Kleindienst, Benjamin Ißler, Fabian , Michael Ihls, Benjamin Binder % 10.3.2018
- Installed Gitlab natively on AWS
- Created a sample Spring Boot project
- Built a CI/CD pipeline using several stages:
- a build stage
- a deployment stage
- a test stage
We installed an M4 large instance with the latest Ubuntu. To prevent crazy russians from hacking our machine we restricted SSH to the external subnet of our organization.
First get a free trial license for Gitlab EE. For the Gitlab installation we followed this tutorial.
All configuration for your CI/CD can be accumulated in a central .gitlab-ci.yml
file in the root directory of your project.
GitLab Runner runs your jobs and sends the results back to GitLab. It is coordinated by Gitlab.
You can run Gitlab Runner on a dedicated host like we did. You have to register the runner at your Gitlab installation using a token shown in the Runners panel of Gitlab. The runner can be configured to run jobs as Docker containers, or as shell commands. We chose the later path.
The Gitlab CI/CD workflow is pipeline oriented. You can add pipelines in your project's Pipeline tab.
To add stages to your pipeline, add them to the stage
section of your config:
- build-stage
- deploy-stage
- test-stage
Now you can create jobs and add them to your stages.
First you would create jobs running unit tests. Because we don't make mistakes when coding, we can skip this step.
The next step would be to build your application. Create a job for this by adding a job-section to the yml-file.
In the script-section
you can add shell commands to be executed. In our case we built the application.
To save yourself some typing you can configure project-global variables (key-value-pairs) under settings > CI/CD. In your config you can access them using ${KEY}
Pass the result of the job to the next using an artifact. The path can be used in the next job.
stage: build-stage
name: dev
url: http://sample-app-chatty-duiker.cfapps.io/
- shell
- ./mvnw install -D skipTests
when: always
expire_in: 7d
- "target/spring-boot-sample-app-*-SNAPSHOT.jar"
After we have successfully built our application, we can push it to an integration testing platform. We deployed our app to Cloud Foundry.
To install the Cloud Foundry CLI tool, follow this tutorial.
Then you can configure your job:
Login to your PaaS, in our case using cf login -a HOSTNAME -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD
Push your application to the platform using cf push APPNAME -p target/APPNAME
. If you are too lazy to configure a route for your app, simply add --random-route
Your job should now look something like this:
stage: deploy-stage
- shell
- cd spring-boot-sample-app
- "cf login -a ${CF_API} -u ${CF_USER} -p \"${CF_PASS}\""
- cf push go-sample-app -p go-sample-app --random-route
Although, thanks to our skill, unnecessary, we still configured a smoke test.
stage: smoke-test
- shell
- curl --silent http://sample-app-chatty-duiker.cfapps.io/actuator/health | jq '.status' | grep -o UP