This project provides a sample Liberty feature with an OSGi bundle project that implements the Handler interface from the WebSphere Liberty global handler SPI. The sample implementation MyHandler will output details about the HTTP request, SOAP operation and WS headers for inbound JAXWS messages.
The WebSphere Liberty global handler SPI supports both JAXWS and JAXRS web service request for inbound and outbound requests and the sample can be easily modified to intercept different request types by modifying the handler properties set in the bundle activator. The supplied bundle activator sets properties to support JAXWS inbound requests for client or server side calls.
Source code for the following Java classes is available in the src/Java directory
- - OSGi bundle activator
- - Global handler
- etc/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF - A sample OSGi bundle manifest
- etc/OSGI-INF/SUBSYSTEM.MF - A sample Liberty feature manifest
- lib/wshandlerfeature.esa - Sample deployable Liberty feature
- CICS TS V5.2 or later with WebSphere Liberty 8.5.5 or later for JAXWS support.
- Eclipse with WebSphere Developer Tools installed
- Configured Liberty JVM server
- Install WDT tooling into Eclipse
- Set Eclipse Target Platform to "WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile with SPI" to make the Liberty SPI available
- Create an OSGi bundle project called using the OSGi bundle project wizard ensuring you create an Activator class
- Import the supplied Activator and MyHandler classes into this project
- Update the manifest for the OSGI bundle project using the supplied META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file
- Create a Liberty feature project called and add the OSGi bundle project created in step 3 to this
- Update the Liberty feature manifest using the the supplied sample OSGI-INF/SUBSYSTEM.MF
- Export the Liberty feature project to an .esa file using the wizard Export -> Liberty feature, or alternatively use the sample wshandlerfeature.esa provided
- Transfer the .esa file to zFS in binary
- Install the feature using the CICS wlpenv script located in the Liberty ${server.output.dir} directory as follows
>wlpenv featureManager install --offlineOnly --location=<zfs_dir> wshandler-1.0
- Add the user wshandler-1.0 feature to the feature manger list in server.xml along with the jaxws-2.2 feature as follows