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Matthew Nguyen edited this page Aug 16, 2022 · 3 revisions

Viewport Navigation

Mouse functions

Once the ontology is rendered, the following functions are available using the mouse in the display viewport:

  • Clicking a node focuses the view on it. The view will rotate and move towards that item.
  • Clicking on a link will focus on its child (lower depth) node
  • Holding left click while moving the mouse will rotate the view
  • Holding right click while moving the mouse will pan the view
  • Scrolling the mouse wheel will zoom in/out the view

Term Search Navigation

The sidebar contains a section to search for terms. Typing/selecting a term in this section will navigate the view towards that item.

Term Context Navigation

The sidebar contains a section showing the parent and child nodes of the currently selected term. The blue term is the parent node, and can be clicked to navigate towards it in the viewport. A dropdown list is available to browse and select a children node in order to navigate towards it.

Node Focus

Once a node is focused (by clicking it on the viewport or through the term search or term context navigation), additional information about the node is displayed.

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