curl -fSsL | bash
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gdal-bin
sudo apt-get install libtiff5-dev
- docker-landsat-download:
- Downloads the specified Landsat image.
- docker-landsat-preprocess:
- Preprocesses the Landsat image to ensure it's in the correct format for script input.
- fix-permissions:
- Adjusts the access permissions of Landsat images to ensure they are readable by the program.
- build-cpp:
- Build the cpp code
- build-nvcc:
- Build the cuda code
- exec-landsat*:
- Executes the script while generating an Nsight Systems (nsys) report.
- nsys-landsat*:
- Executes the script with a NVIDIA System Profiler (nsys) report.
- ncu-landsat*:
- Executes the script with a NVIDIA Compute Profiler (ncu) report.
- analysis-landsat*:
- Performs multiple executions of the script, each time generating an Nsight Systems (nsys) report.