Suggested location for next event:
Online-Rewards Office, 5th Floor 441 Vine St, Cincinnati, OH 45202
Looking for +1 -1 on any talks we could have prepped by then...
Topic idea list for volunteers to speak in [brackets]
- Lightning talks
- Perl awesome success stories
- Creative implementations (success stories)
Talk Title - Description | Added By |
AWS Services (for those who have never played with them) | console0 |
Perl and Solr/Lucene Indexing and Searching | console0 |
The Online Rewards Development Workflow (c5, git, IRC, AWS) 1 | console0 |
Talk Title - Description | Presented By | Date |
Rose::DB Introduction | console0 | 2014-08-21 |
Moo The Universe & Everything | vanstyn | |
RESTful Mojo - A simple Mojo::Lite API | ology | 2015-02-11 |
- A ticket/issue system
- Twitter Clone
- site (Blogs, event lists, admin, member pages)
- Fav editor and why
- Fav database and why
- Fav web framework and why
- Fav ORM
- Fav language (that isn't Perl)
- Web framework workflow VS Command line tool and job workflow (similarities and differences)
- Marketing Cincinnati to the Perl Community
- Contributors all build the same app in differing frameworks (maybe site?)
- Can show a side-by-side comparison of how each platform was used to implement the app
- site updates (blogging, member pages, etc.)
- talks archive
- IRC bot updates
- IRC history site updates
- Homebrewing
- Perl around the house (home automation, weather stations, etc)
- Messin' with Arduino or Raspberry Pi
Not to mention yeoman, grunt, pow, mysql, solr, and bourbon. ↩