My study on how to create a database
Hello, this is the repository for my database project, I am trying to learn how to create a database from scratch using Node.js
My objective is to understand a little better how databases work internally
You need to have Node.js and NPM to install and use this project
npm i learndb
you can use this in two ways, either as an REPL or as a driver for the database
If you want to use this project as a REPL I would adivise to clone it instead of installing it, if you have it cloned, to access the REPL, all you need to do is type this on the terminal:
node index.js repl
Either loads a database from the directory you are currently in or creates a database with the specified name if none exists
Example: using test
creates a new table in the database with the specified columns
create users username password
inserts a new document in the specified table with the values passed
insert users luis p4ssw0rd
returns an array with the specified columsn from the database
select username from users
optional parameter for the select command, compares the values from the table with the ones informed using the informed operator
select username from users where name = luis
to use this project as a driver, you need to install it on your project, require it from the modules:
const LuisDB = require("learndb");
and then you have access the same same commands from the repl but with objects (kinda like mongodb)
there is only one function currently that transforms the objects into database actions
It acepts one parameter that should have this structure:
type: "keyword",
params: keywordparams
I actually have an repo with a test I've made using this database as a driver, this should help understand how it works
type: "using",
params: "databasename",
type: "create",
params: {
table: "students",
columns: ["name", "grade"],
type: "insert",
params: {
table: "students",
document: ["luis", 7],
These are the things I want to implement in this project, in order of importance
- write documentation for: UPDATE, DELETE, BULK INSERT, CREATE INDEX
- move documentation to another file
- Support indexing
- Create a CLI for global use
- Create an authentication system
- Support partitioning
- Support migration from SQL schemas
I am documenting this project on, in this url:
Every resource I've used to study for this project, not in any particular order: