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Frequently Asked Questions

Andrew Sun edited this page Nov 17, 2020 · 2 revisions

About CSUR

Cities: Skylines Urban Road (CSUR) is an asset/mod suite which lets you build your city’s road network in a different way from vanilla. CSUR offers an enormous variety of road configurations, and allows you to create beautiful interchanges at a much faster pace.

Watch the introductory video for CSUR:

Frequently asked questions

How to remove grass penetrating the asphalt?

Use Theme Mixer 2, Hide it, or Remove Decoration Sprites to disable grass sprites on the terrain, or paint concrete on the terrain with Surface Painter.

How to fix terrain covering the road?

Use landscaping tools to lower the terrain under the road surface, or slightly raise the road using Move It.

How to connect to vanilla roads or other roads on the Workshop?

CSUR roads published on Steam Workshop are able to connect to all other roads not in the large road category without model glitches. Note that only centered CSUR modules are capable of creating intersections.

Why don’t I have textures on the roads and they are only green and black?

CSUR Loader needs to be enabled in the Content Manager in order to display textures on CSUR roads. If you do have CSUR Loader enabled but still don’t see the textures, (1) double check "CSURTextureContainer.crp" is enabled in the assets panel of Content Manager and (2) try unsubscribing and resubscribing to CSUR Loader to force a fresh download.

Why am I always getting the “space already occupied” error?

Turn on Road Anarchy when you are building non-centered CSUR modules.

Are there incompatibilities between CSUR and other mods?

CSUR is incompatible with Network Skins. Network Skins 2 should always be used for changing the appearance for the roads. CSUR is also incompatible with the advanced zoning options in Network Extensions 2, while roads in Network Extensions 2 are still compatible.

Why is my tunnel entrance covered with terrain?

Clip Networks (or equivalent) need to be used to remove the terrain on tunnel entrances/exits for non-centered roads. This is because current game mechanics require terrain to be clipped in a center-aligned manner.

Why is there always a dead-end sign above my road / Why do my roads look connected but traffic does not work?

When using the Road Tool, make sure you’re clicking on the surface of the actual road to connect the modules. The blue highlight in the Road Tool is always aligned to the center and does not indicate the actual connetable area.

Why are some/all road pieces blank when building a bridge?

Use the elevated mode in Fine Road Tools to prevent building black road segments.