This repository contains code for Carlson, Carleton, Odoulami, and Trisos (2022), "The historical fingerprint and future impact of climate change on childhood malaria in Africa" (preprint forthcoming on medRxiv). Malaria data were previously published by Snow et al. (2017) and are available online; climate data are too large for Github but again available from other sources.
All R scripts to execute the data analysis and visualization are stored in the Pipeline directory:
β£ πA - Utility functions
β β£ πA00 - Configuration.R
β β£ πA01 - Utility code for calculations.R
β β£ πA02 - Utility code for plotting.R
β β πA03 - Prep data for estimation.R
β£ πB - Extract climate and prevalence data
β β£ πB01 - Extract CRU data and temperature for model.R
β β£ πB02 - Extract GCMs.R
β β πB03 - Generate precipitation key.R
β£ πC - Model estimation
β β£ πC01 - MainSpec.R
β β πC02 - Bootstrap.R
β£ πD - Model sensitivity analyses and checks
β β£ πD01 - Model sensitivity.R
β β πD02 - Randomization tests.R
β£ πE - Estimate historical and future prevalence
β β£ πE01 - Predict prevalence.R
β β£ πE02 - Prevalence summaries.R
β β£ πE03 - Extract historical data.R
β β£ πE04 - Extract future data.R
β β£ πE05 - Extract historical regionals.R
β β πE06 - Extract future regionals.R
β£ πF - Figure generation for main text
β β£ πF01 - Fig1 - Maps.R
β β£ πF02 - Fig1 - Time series and assembly.R
β β£ πF03 - Fig2 - Coefficients.R
β β£ πF04 - Fig2 - Global time series.R
β β£ πF05 - Fig2 - Assembly.R
β β£ πF06 - Fig3 - Maps.R
β β£ πF07 - Fig3 - Elevation and latitude.R
β β£ πF08 - Fig3 - Time series.R
β β£ πF09 - Fig3 - Assembly.R
β β£ πF10 - Fig4 - Maps.R
β β£ πF11 - Fig4 - Elevation and latitude.R
β β£ πF12 - Fig4 - Time series.R
β β πF13 - Fig4 - Assembly.R
β£ πG - Figure generation for supplement
β β£ πG01 - Visualize thermal curve expectations and data.R
β β£ πG02 - Historical partials.R
β β£ πG03 - Future partials.R
β β£ πG04 - Attributable map.R
β β πG05 - Projections map.R
β πH - Summary statistics for main text
β β£ πH01 - Thermal responses.R
β β£ πH02 - Historical summary.R
β β£ πH03 - Future summary.R
β β πH04 - Global warming levels.R