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A PyTorch framework for creating, running, and reproducing experiments on seq2seq models.

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Transductions is a PyTorch framework for building and experimenting with Sequence-to-Sequence neural networks. It is developed by the CLAY Lab at Yale University for use in computational linguistics research (See Frank & Petty (2020) and Petty & Frank (2021), among others, for examples of the kind of research conducted using Transductions).


  1. Ensure that Docker is installed
  2. Clone the repository and build the image from the project root directory via
docker-compose -f .devcontainer/docker-compose.yaml build
  1. Create and run a container via
docker compose -f .devcontainer/docker-compose.yaml run --rm workspace

Alternatively, Transductions provides a devcontainer.json configuration for use with VSCode and its Remote Containers extension. To use, simply open the project root directory in VSCode and follow the instructions to build and open the project in a container.

Regardless of how you load the container, docker will mount the project directory to the container for persistent storage of experiment data, including model weights, and training logs.

A Note on Architecture

I primarily do development on an M1 Mac. Since the models used in this repository are relatively small, I train and evaluate most models locally. The default configuration for the Docker image uses an Arm64 base image for compatibility and performance when running Docker on an Apple Silicon Mac. If you want to use a different base image, or else want CUDA support enabled, you'll need to make two small modifications to the Docker configuration files:

  1. Change the base image in .devcontainer/Dockerfile to pull from a non-Arm64 version of the ubuntu/focal image.
  2. Change the platform configuration in .devcontainer/docker-compose.yaml.

If you absolutely do not want to use Docker, you can simply create a local conda environment using the provided dependency files. To do so, ensure that conda is installed locally and then run the following command.

conda env create -f .devcontainer/environment.yaml


There are several entrypoints to the Transductions framework. The main entrypoints are:

  • Trains for a particular experimental setup. Produces one or more checkpoint directories which store model weights, as well as tracking performance metrics on the training, validation, and various test datasets.
  • Performs an evaluation pass for a particular trained checkpoint, calculating performance metrics and generating example output data for inspection.
  • Loads a trained model into an interactive Read-Evaluation-Print Loop (REPL) where you can "talk" to the model by typing in inputs and seeing how the model responds.

Additionally, there are some more niche tools which may be of use:

  • Trains Tensor-Product Decomposition Networks to mimic the encodings of a particular trained model given a fixed hypothesis about how that model is encoding input data. See McCoy et al. (2018) for more on TPDN models and their use in evaluating recurrent network operations.
  • REPL interface for performing arithmetic on encoded vectors during model inference, allowing you to arbitrarily modify hidden state vectors between encoding and decoding.
  • Similar to, but automatically computes hidden-state arithmetic on a given dataset instead of using a REPL interface.

Each entrypoint application has a corresponding configuration YAML file in conf/ which defines the interface to the application. Transductions uses Hydra to handle application configuration and experiment processing. Further on, you can define your own experiment configuration files, or you can simple use the command-line interface provided by Hydra for each application to specify run-time parameters.


Models are trained via the script, which is in turn configured using the conf/train.yaml file, shown below:

  - experiment: ???
  - hydra/output: custom

pretty_print: true

The - experiment: ??? line means that an experiment must be specified on the command line. To try it out, run the following command:

python experiment=test

This loads up the example experiment defined in conf/experiment/test.yaml and begins training a model. Every experiment configuration file must specify four things:

  • A name, which is a unique identifier in the outputs/ directory to group all runs of the experiment together.
  • A dataset, which is the name of a dataset configuration file in the conf/dataset/ directory.
  • A model, which is the name of a model configuration file in the conf/model/ directory.
  • hyperparameters, which is the name of a hyperparameter configuration file in the conf/hyperparameters/ directory.

This is the test.yaml file:

  - /dataset: alice-1
  - /hyperparameters: default
  - /model: test-model

name: test-exp

If you want to define your own experiments, make a new YAML file and place it in the conf/experiment directory. Transductions uses Hydra to manage these configurations---if you're interested in how this works, check out their website for documentation and examples.

Outputs from a training session (the model weights, a copy of the model and Hydra configurations, etc.) are stored in the outputs/ directory. If this directory doesn't exist, one will be created for you. Runs are organized in the following way, as an example:


Hyperparameter Configuration

Hyperparameters are configured by options in the conf/hyperparameters/ directory. The default configuration file default.yaml is somewhat arbitrary, but provides a useful example for creating customized configurations.

# default.yaml

epochs: 100
batch_size: 32
lr: 0.01
tolerance: 0.001
patience: 100
tf_ratio: 0.5

cuda: 0 # -1 means use CPU

This file sets the following options:

  • epochs: The maximum number of epochs for training.
  • batch_size: The batch size used during training and evaluation.
  • lr: The learning rate used. Currently, transductions only supports using an SGD optimizer (from torch.optim) with a constant learning rate. Support is planned for alternative optimizers (Adam, AdamW) with adaptive learning rates.
  • tolerance: How much a model must decrease its validation loss by within patience number of epochs to avoid early stopping.
  • patience: How many epochs a model can run for during training without decreasing validation loss by tolerance before early stopping kicks in.
  • tf_ratio (between 0.0 and 1.0): The teacher forcing ratio, used during training to determine whether or not a target is used during decoding versus the model's own prediction is used. Higher tf_ratio means that the trainer is more likely to use the target, rather than the model's own prediction.
  • cuda: The GPU Cuda device number to use, or else -1 if the model should only run on CPU.

A note on Early Stopping: Currently, transductions implements early stopping for all models, and there isn't yet a good way to turn it off. However, if patience >= epochs in the hyperparameter configuration file, this essentially turns off early stopping since the model will always run for epochs number of epochs and then stop. It's a bit hacky, and I plan to introduce an actual configuration option for it in the future, but for now this will get the job done.

Model Configuration

A model configuration specifies details of the model architecture for the encoder and the decoder. Here is an example configuration file which specifies a GRU-Encoder, GRU-Decoder model with no attention.

# sequence-gru-inattentive.yaml

name: GRU

  unit: GRU
  type: sequence
  dropout: 0
  num_layers: 1
  embedding_size: 256
  hidden_size: 256
  unit: GRU
  type: sequence
  attention: null
  dropout: 0
  num_layers: 1
  max_length: 30
  embedding_size: 256
  hidden_size: 256

The name parameter defines a unique name for the model which will be used to identify and group runs of a particular experiment which have been trained using this architecture. For example, a run of experiment-1 using the sequence-gru-inattentive.yaml model would be grouped under outputs/experiment-1/GRU since this is the specified name of this particular model.

The encoder and decoder have separate configuration options within the file. For both,

  • unit specifies the type of (recurrent or transformer) unit used in the model. Available options are GRU, SRN, LSTM, or Transformer.
  • type specifies the format of the data to be read in (for the encoder) or produced (by the decoder). Right now, the only valid option is sequence (which implements the classic seq-to-seq architecture) but it is planned to also allow for tree/graph based inputs and outputs as well in the future.
  • dropout: The probability of dropout in the unit.
  • num_layers: How many layers the encoder or decoder should have for their units.
  • embedding_size: Size of the embedding dimension.
  • hidden_size: Size of the hidden layer.

The decoder has two additional properties:

  • attention: What kind of attention to use. Valid options are null, Additive, Multiplicative, and DotProduct.
  • max_length: The maximum length of sequences that the decoder can produce. Used to prevent the decoder from accidentally producing unbounded sequences and never terminating.

Note that for Transformer models, a slightly different configuration is needed since they implement their own form of requisite self-attention. Here is an example from the sequence-transformer.yaml config file:

# sequence-transformer.yaml

name: Transformer

  unit: Transformer
  type: sequence
  dropout: 0
  num_layers: 1
  hidden_size: 256
  embedding_size: 256
  num_heads: 8
  unit: Transformer
  type: sequence
  dropout: 0
  num_layers: 1
  max_length: 30
  hidden_size: 256
  embedding_size: 256
  num_heads: 8
  attention: null

Note that the attention parameter in the decoder is not really used, and so is set to null, and both the encoder and decoder have an extra num_heads option which configures the number of heads on the multiheaded attention models.

Dataset Configuration

At a high level, the dataset configuration file specifies the relationship between an input file, containing the full dataset, and the various splits which are used in an experiment. By default, Transductions assumes that you want to generate these splits on the first use of the dataset. To see how this works, let's walk through the alice-1.yaml configuration file, which creates a dataset used in Frank & Petty, “Sequence-to-Sequence Networks Learn the Meaning of Reflexive Anaphora” (2020):

# alice-1.yaml
# Withholds reflexive sentences containing "Alice" (e.g., "Alice sees herself")
# during training to explore lexical generalization.

name: alice-1
input: grammar-1.tsv # where is the full dataset
source_format: sequence # 'sequence' or 'tree'
target_format: sequence # 'sequence' or 'tree'
overwrite: False # Always re-create splits from raw data?
transform_field: source # 'source' or 'target', which should include transforms?

  train: 80
  test: 10
  val: 10

# Defines the generalization set. All inputs which match the provided
# regex will be withheld from the train/test/val splits.
  - '^Alice \w+ herself.*'

# Defines named test sets. For each entry, a .pt file will be created 
# containing all inputs which match the given regex.
  alice_subject: '^Alice.*'
  alice_object: '^\w+ \w+ Alice.*'
  alice_reflexive: '^Alice \w+ herself.*'
  alice_subject_transitive: '^Alice \w+ \w+'
  alice_subject_intransitive: '^Alice \w+\t'
  alice_alice: 'Alice \w+ Alice'

  herself: 'herself'
  himself: 'himself'

The name: parameter specifies a custom identifier used as a directory name in the data/processed/ directory. The input: parameter is the name of the source file containing the full dataset in the data/raw/ directory. The source_format and target_format parameters specify what kind of data are used for the source and target of the dataset. For the time being, the only valid choice is sequence. The overwrite parameter specifies whether or not the dataset should be re-created every time you kick off a training run. This should probably be False unless you are tweaking the dataset. The transform_field specifies which field, source or target, should contain the transformation tokens.

The splits parameters (train, test, val) specify how the full dataset should be randomly split into different splits. Note that the float values here must sum to 100.

The withholding parameter specifies a list of strings which are used as RegEx matches to withhold a particular entry from the in-distribution splits and instead place it in a gen split.

The tracking parameter defines a dictionary of RegExes which are used to create tracking splits. These are evaluated along side the train, test, val, and gen splits during training every epoch, but they don't affect how data are split up or withheld. For each key : value combination specified here, a file will be created in the data/processed/DATASET/ directory containing all lines from the input which match the value regex.

Creating Static Datasets

Not every gen set or tracking set can be nicely defined by a regular expression. In this case, it's not possible to dynamically re-created the dataset from the original source file using Transductions. But, if you manually/externally separate out the train/test/val/gen splits, you can use these as-is without any of the dynamic processing. To do this, just create a directory in data/processed/ matching the name of your dataset, place the,,, and splits there, and make sure that overwrite: is set to False in the dataset configuration YAML file.


There are two ways to evaluate model performance. The first is using, which will load a model from the saved weights and evaluate it on every split which was generated for it during training.


This will generate an eval/ directory inside the model's checkpoint directory containing the eval.log log file for the evaluation run along with tab-separate value files for each of the splits in the following format:

source  target  prediction

There is also in interactive Read-Evaluate-Print Loop (REPL) which lets you load a model and input arbitrary transforms sequences to the model, which will print out its predictions. Run


and enter sequences of the form

> TRANSFORM this is a sentence

where TRANSFORM is the transform token. A log for each REPL run will be saved in the repl/ directory inside the model checkpoint directory.

The and scripts are configured by the eval.yaml and repl.yaml configuration files in the conf/ directory. Both contain a single parameter checkpoint_dir: which must be set to point to a model's checkpoint directory. Just as in the training script, this value may be overridden on the command-line:

python checkpoint_dir=FILEPATH


Transductions has built-in support for Tensorboard logging during training, allowing you to monitor training curves and custom metrics. To view a Tensorboard dashboard for a training run, use

tensorboard --logdir=CHECKPOINT_DIR

Tensorboard's real strength is that it recursively searches the logdir for its log files, which means you can point it to an arbitrarily high directory and view the logs for multiple runs at once. This is especially useful for viewing the training curves for an entire experiment, or the curves for a particular model architecture within an experiment.


A PyTorch framework for creating, running, and reproducing experiments on seq2seq models.







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