A Slackbot that provides daily motivation and inspiration.
The goal:
- Users can sign up a slack workspace and configure a daily message
- Configuration options include time of day, and channel/user to send message to
- Users can invite the bot into a channel, where the bot will post to the channel
For now, inspiration/motivation list hardcoded into DB and pulled at random
Future improvements:
- Do not reuse motivation quotes (keep track of last 5 and don't show one of those)
- Integrate with Google Assistant to add to a routine
- Ability to add custom messages per workspace/user
- Add a nicer UX on the website
This Slackbot uses a basic webapp powered by Express to configure a Slack bot that sends a daily message. It uses:
- Bull for job scheduling (with Arena to view queued jobs)
- Passport for authentication with Slack's OAuth
- Redis for the datastore for Bull and session storage
- Sequelize and SQLite3 DB for user/team information
Are you going to remix this? Dope! Follow these steps to get setup.
- Remix into your own project
- Follow these notes to get Redis up and running your Glitch app: https://glitch.com/~redis-notes
- Create your Slack app (see here: https://api.slack.com/slack-apps#creating_apps)
- Copy .env.sample to your .env and update your properties
- Update views/components/footer.ejs to include your made by information
- To subscribe to the events API in Slack, you must change the "start" parameter in package.json to "npm run slack-verify" in order to verify your URL