(If this is not what you were looking for, see the general overview.)
This is a rough and work-in-progress specification of how Grenada is supposed to work. In the course of a major revision I haven't corrected the existing files, but added new ones. So currently we have two rather diverging sets of files, with the new ones being the state of the art and the old ones containing information that is partly outdated and partly still applies. Reconciliation will happen in a visible future.
The specification consists of this overview and these files (to be explored in this order, first three are new, the others old school):
NewModel.md – The current definition of the model.
AspectsImp.md – Guide to defining Aspects.
BarsImp.md – Guide to defining Bars.
model-diagram.dia and model-diagram.pdf (very outdated) – A UML class diagram describing the data model which Grenada is based on. This diagram type might not be the optimal fit, but it's better than if I make up something myself.
GrenadaModel.md (very outdated) – Comments on the data model that I don't want to cram into the diagram.
GrenadaDraft.md (kind of outdated) – Collection of information that didn't fit anywhere else (or that I haven't made fit yet). Read the section on terminology and skim the rest, then move on.
GrenadaFormats.md (partly outdated) – Specification of a concrete implementation of the model. Describes different storage formats for different purposes.
GrenadaParts.md (not so much outdated) – Description of conceptual components for assembling Grenada build processes.
GrenadaScenarios.md (never been current) – Formally this also belongs to this specification, but it is more a historical heap of notes than anything else. You can ignore it.
Littered throughout the new parts of the spec you will find words and phrases in bold face. (Or at least I guess that they are rendered in bold face by your favourite Markdown processor.) These are not intended as extracts of the content (as opposed to their use in this sentence). Rather, they are intended to guide the reader's eye when she's looking for specific information. At least most of the time.
In other words: I expect people to read the spec once and then come back repeatedly to refresh their understanding of something they're working with. Text emphasis is a tool to make this easier. It is not the optimal tool. – If I could place keywords in the margin, I would do that. – But it's cheap and does the job well enough.
- ❁ Important notes are marked with ❁. Those you should read. The other notes might still be interesting, but are more notes to myself. However, if you have a question about something, please read the notes on it first. – They might already contain the answer.
- The distribution of information across files has gotten better, but is still not good.
Contains only changes that can't be assigned to a single document. All changelogs only list changes I consider important and interesting. Typos, rewordings and additions of some notes are usually not included.
- Add ‘roadmap’.
- Add contributing guide.
- Abandon the old model and introduce a new one.
- Adapt this overview to these changes.
- Improve the markup to make the text more easily accessible.
- Introduce a proper model, comprising a diagram and a text file.
- (Not really spec.) Introduce a logo.
- Make name "Grenada" permanent.
- Introduce the marker ❁.
- Rearrange some things between files.
- Add README as an overview and in order to provide uniform versioning for all the documents.
- Add documents about different storage formats and about the conceptual components for creating Grenada builds.