A Go SDK for IBM Cloudant is available at https://github.com/ibm/cloudant-go-sdk
A Cloudant library for Golang.
This library is not complete, may change in incompatible ways in future versions, and comes with no support whatsoever.
A Cloudant library for Golang.
go get github.com/cloudant-labs/go-cloudant
- Session authentication
- Keep-Alive & Connection Pooling
- Configurable request retrying
- Hard limit on request concurrency
- Stream
- Manage
To run the tests, you need a Cloudant (or CouchDB) database to talk to. The tests expect the following environment variables to be available:
COUCH_HOST_URL # optional
If the last one isn't set, the host url is assumed to be https://$COUCH_USER.cloudant.com
If you want to run against a local CouchDB in Docker, try:
docker run -d -p 5984:5984 --rm --name couchdb couchdb:1.6
curl -XPUT '' -d '"blobbypassword"'
export COUCH_USER="mrblobby"
export COUCH_PASS="blobbypassword"
export COUCH_HOST_URL=""
go test
Note -- this library does not allow for unauthenticated connections, so you can't
run against a CouchDB node in admin party
mode. This is a good thing.
// create a Cloudant client (max. request concurrency 5) with default retry configuration:
// - maximum retries per request: 3
// - random retry delay minimum: 5 seconds
// - random retry delay maximum: 30 seconds
client1, err1 := cloudant.CreateClient("user123", "pa55w0rd01", "https://user123.cloudant.com", 5)
// create a Cloudant client (max. request concurrency 20) with _custom_ retry configuration:
// - maximum retries per request: 5
// - random retry delay minimum: 10 seconds
// - random retry delay maximum: 60 seconds
client2, err2 := cloudant.CreateClientWithRetry("user123", "pa55w0rd01", "https://user123.cloudant.com", 20, 5, 10, 60)
// create a Cloudant client (max. request concurrency 5)
client, err := cloudant.CreateClient("user123", "pa55w0rd01", "https://user123.cloudant.com", 5)
db, err := client.GetOrCreate("my_database")
type Doc struct {
Id string `json:"_id"`
Rev string `json:"_rev"`
Foo string `json:"foo"`
doc = new(Doc)
err = db.Get("my_doc", doc)
fmt.Println(doc.Foo) // prints 'foo' key
// create a Cloudant client (max. request concurrency 5)
client, err := cloudant.CreateClient("user123", "pa55w0rd01", "https://user123.cloudant.com", 5)
db, err := client.GetOrCreate("my_database")
myDoc := &Doc{
Id: "my_doc_id",
Rev: "2-xxxxxxx",
Foo: "bar",
newRev, err := db.Set(myDoc)
fmt.Println(newRev) // prints '_rev' of new document revision
// create a Cloudant client (max. request concurrency 5)
client, err := cloudant.CreateClient("user123", "pa55w0rd01", "https://user123.cloudant.com", 5)
db, err := client.GetOrCreate("my_database")
err := db.Delete("my_doc_id", "2-xxxxxxx")
// create a Cloudant client (max. request concurrency 5)
client, err := cloudant.CreateClient("user123", "pa55w0rd01", "https://user123.cloudant.com", 5)
db, err := client.GetOrCreate("my_database")
myDoc1 := Doc{
Id: "doc1",
Rev: "1-xxxxxxx",
Foo: "bar",
myDoc2 := Doc{
Id: "doc2",
Rev: "2-xxxxxxx",
Foo: "bar",
myDoc3 := Doc{
Id: "doc3",
Rev: "3-xxxxxxx",
Foo: "bar",
uploader := db.Bulk(50, 1048576, 60) // new uploader using batch size 50, max batch size 1MB, flushing documents to server every 60 seconds
// Note: workers only flush their document batch to the server:
// 1) periodically (set to -1 to disable).
// 2) when the maximum number of documents per batch is reached.
// 3) when the maximum batch size (in bytes) is reached (set to -1 to disable).
// 4) if a document is uploaded using `.UploadNow(doc)`.
// 5) if a client calls `.Flush()` or `.Stop()`.
upload.Flush() // blocks until all received documents have been uploaded
r2 := uploader.UploadNow(myDoc2) // uploaded as soon as it's received by a worker
if r2.Error != nil {
fmt.Println(r2.Response.Id, r2.Response.Rev) // prints new document '_id' and 'rev'
r3 := uploader.Upload(myDoc3) // queues until the worker creates a full batch of 50 documents
upload.AsyncFlush() // asynchronously uploads all received documents
upload.Stop() // blocks until all documents have been uploaded and workers have stopped
if r3.Error != nil {
fmt.Println(r3.Response.Id, r3.Response.Rev) // prints new document '_id' and 'rev'
// create a Cloudant client (max. request concurrency 5)
client, err := cloudant.CreateClient("user123", "pa55w0rd01", "https://user123.cloudant.com", 5)
db, err := client.GetOrCreate("my_database")
rows, err := db.All(&allDocsQuery{})
// OR include some query options...
// q := cloudant.NewAllDocsQuery().
// Limit(123).
// StartKey("foo1").
// EndKey("foo2").
// Build()
// rows, err := db.All(q)
row, more := <-rows
if more {
fmt.Println(row.ID, row.Value.Rev) // prints document 'id' and 'rev'
} else {
// create a Cloudant client (max. request concurrency 5)
client, err := cloudant.CreateClient("user123", "pa55w0rd01", "https://user123.cloudant.com", 5)
db, err := client.GetOrCreate("my_database")
query := cloudant.NewChangesQuery().IncludeDocs().Build()
changes, err := db.Changes(query)
for {
change, more := <-changes
if more {
fmt.Println(change.Seq, change.Id, change.Rev) // prints change 'seq', 'id' and 'rev'
// Doc body
str, _ := json.MarshalIndent(change.Doc, "", " ")
fmt.Printf("%s\n", str)
} else {
is a robust changes feed follower that runs in continuous mode, emitting
events from the changes feed on a channel. Its aims is to stay running until told to
client, err := cloudant.CreateClient(...)
db, err := client.Get(DATABASE)
if err != nil {
// Only generate a Seq ID every 100 changes
follower := cloudant.NewFollower(db, 100)
changes, err := follower.Follow()
if err != nil {
for {
changeEvent := <-changes
switch changeEvent.EventType {
case cloudant.ChangesHeartbeat:
case cloudant.ChangesError:
case cloudant.ChangesTerminated:
fmt.Println("terminated; resuming from last known sequence id")
changes, err = follower.Follow()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("resumption error ", err)
case cloudant.ChangesInsert:
fmt.Printf("INSERT %s\n", changeEvent.Meta.ID)
case cloudant.ChangesDelete:
fmt.Printf("DELETE %s\n", changeEvent.Meta.ID)
fmt.Printf("UPDATE %s\n", changeEvent.Meta.ID)