Releases: cloudant-labs/spark-cloudant
Cloudant Spark connector v2.0.0 for Spark 2.0
Contains fixes for tickets:
BugzId: 74074 - Upgrade to Spark 2.0
Cloudant Spark connector v1.6.4
Contains fixes for tickets:
BugzId: 73249 - Update libraries, upgrade version to 1.6.4
BugzId: 68888 - Make user-agent to be equal spark-cloudant
BugzId: 65662 - Improve spark streaming
BugzId: 67396 - Correct errors during save operation
BugzId: 64055 - Create database on save
BugzId: 63503 - Make schemaSampleSize by default to be equal -1
Cloudant Spark connector v1.6.3
Contains fixes for tickets:
add supporting in passing configuration through spark-submit --conf
revise default bulk size
better throughput: during save
revise dispatcher
Improve save parallelism, sharing actorSystem for the duration of the job
BugzId: 62934 - Make views to use N docs for schema discovery
BugzId: 62617 - Fixed the issue of the column order
BugzId: 61745 - Integrate Cloudant with Spark Streaming
BugzID: 61793 - Set up bulkSize on the level of dataframe
Cloudant Spark connector v1.6.2
Contains fixes for tickets:
BugzID: 53022 - Register cloudant-spark with Spark Packages community index
BugzId: 61792 - Message for saving data with 0 records
BugzId: 60775 - Remove all providers accept DefaultSource
BugzId: 59451- Cache documents retrieved for schema when schemaSampleSize = -1
BugzId: 60785 - Adding connector version
BugzId: 60495 - Loading data from views
BugzId: 59902 - Make a protocol http or https configurable
BugzId: 60263 - Increase timeouts in order to be able to load big dbs into Spark
Based on release v1.6.1
Cloudant Spark connector v1.6.1
Contains fixes for tickets:
BugzId: 59832 - fix for nested doc objects
BugzId: 59432 - added test cases to validate schemaSampleSize option
BugzId: 59236 - implement schemaSampleSize option to support schema discovery for N documents
BugzId: 57609 - support for chunked responses and large databases
BugzId: 57464 - automate test database generation
Based on pre-relase v1.4.1.5
Bug fixes for v1.4.1
BugzId: 52947 - Connect to Cloudant using https - not http
BugzId: 55905 - Remove FilterUtil to avoid type cast problems for JSON and Scala types
BugzId: 56197 - Raise an exception if save() to a missing database fails
BugzId: 56458 - Support predicates on id columns
BugzId: 56722 - Remove support for Riak
BugzId: 56450 - Remove design documents from default query
v1.4.1.4 for Spark Service on Bluemix
Version has been compiled with Spark 1.4.1
Assembly uses a merge strategy where includeScala = false
That allows it to work properly with the Spark Service deployed on Bluemix and the connector can be used as pre-loaded dependency for iPython using both, Scala and Python runtimes.
Spark 1.4.1 with bulk save
v1.4.1.3 bulk save
Spark 1.4.1 with more fixes
Introduce requestTimeout and concurrentSave configuration for large volume data save.
Spark 1.4.1 with fixes
Enable cloudant configuration passed in to DataFrame using option