Grasping is an important skill in our daily manipulation tasks. But it is still challenging for robots to grasp in the unstructured environments in the real world. The goal of this assessment is to predict the quality and pose of grasps based on vision.
To be more specific, the task is to train a network, the input for the network is rgb data or rgbd data, the outputs are parameterised grasps.
Grasp Representation: Parameterised as a grasp quality, angle and gripper width for every pixel in the input image
Grasp Quality: Describe the quality of a grasp executed at each pixel. The value is a scalar in the range [0, 1] where a value closer to 1 indicates higher grasp quality, i.e. higher chance of grasp success.
Angle: Describe the angle of a grasp to be executed at each point.
Width: Describe the gripper width of a grasp to be executed at each point.
Morrison, Douglas, Peter Corke, and Jürgen Leitner. "Closing the loop for robotic grasping: A real-time, generative grasp synthesis approach." arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.05172 (2018).
We use cornell grasp dataset in this task. The dataset can be found here:
pcd*.txt are point cloud files, pcd*cneg.txt are negative labels for grasp, pcd*cpos.txt are positive labels for grasp, pcd*d.tiff are depth images, *.png are raw rgb images.
The folders '1'-'9' are for training, and the folder '10' is for testing. To generate the ground truth for training, the data processing methods are as follows:
Grasp Quality: Each ground-truth positive grasp from the Cornell Grasping Dataset as a binary label and set the corresponding area of Q_T to a value of 1. All other pixels are 0.
Angle: Compute the angle of each grasping rectangle in the range [−π/2,π/2].
Width: Compute the width in pixels (maximum of 150) of each grasping rectangle.
The task includes three parts, and there are some subtasks for each part. The evaluation will start after one weak. Try to finish more subtasks in one weak. If there are any problems, please feel free to contact me (email: [email protected]).
Data processing
- Dataset generation for grasp quality
- Dataset generation for angle
- Dataset generation for width
- Data loader
- Data argumentation
- Network for grasp quality
- Network for angle
- Network for width
- Evaluate grasp success rate for test set