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Master's Degree in Linguistics: Text Mining, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 2023/2024

This repository provides the codes and datasets used in the thesis: Extracting Activity Information with LLMs Using GPT-Generated Data


1. Folder: code

  • Jupyter Notebook: step1_gpt_generated_conversations.ipynb

    • This notebook generates natural conversations between a patient and a healthcare chatbot. In the conversations, the patient describes their daily activities to the chatbot, and the chatbot asks further questions for more detailed information.
  • Jupyter Notebook: step2_data_cleaning.ipynb

    • This notebook formats the generated data and calculates the statistics of the dataset
  • Jupyter Notebook: step3_resizing_files.ipynb

    • This notebook resizes each category of generated data into four smaller files for better processing by GPT
    • It also includes the train-dev-test split process
  • Jupyter Notebook: step4a_prepare_for_annotation.ipynb

    • In this notebook, the dev and test datasets are pre-processed to a format that accommodates manual annotation.
    • After pre-processing, the dataset will have 8 columns, namely: 'conversation', 'sent_id', 'token_id', 'token', 'event', 'time', 'place', 'participant'.
    • The annotators can mark the 'event', 'time', 'place', 'participant' information to annotate the event-related information.
  • Jupyter Notebook: step4b_annotation_to_bio_labels.ipynb

    • This Notebook converts the manually annotated file "annotation_test.tsv" and "annotation_dev.tsv" to a ready-to-evaluation format.
    • The output file only contains the conversation id, sentence id, token id, token, and the BIO system labels.
  • Jupyter Notebook: step5a_gpt_predict_labels.ipynb

    • This notebook includes the prompt engineering process of predicting event-related information using GPT-4o
  • Jupyter Notebook: step5b_label_distribution.ipynb

    • This notebook shows the statistics of the generated dataset. Please run it after running "step5_gpt_predicted_labels" to see the distributions of generated labels.
  • Jupyter Notebook: step6a_fine-tune_bert.ipynb

    • This notebook fine-tunes the multilingual BERT model.
    • For a higher speed of processing, it is suggested to run this notebook in Google Colab.
  • Jupyter Notebook: step6b_prediction_and_evaluation.ipynb

    • This notebook tests the model performance of the fine-tuned BERT model, and generates a file integrated into the dev/test dataset and the corresponding predictions.
    • For a higher speed of processing, it is suggested to run this notebook in Google Colab.
  • Jupyter Notebook: step7_rule_based_system.ipynb

    • This notebook includes the process of defining rules to detect event-related tokens using the dependency parser and NER processor of SpaCy.
    • It outputs the predictions of the rule-based system in this dir: 'response_data/dataset/rule-based/'
  • Jupyter Notebook: step8_optimisation_and_eveluation.ipynb

    • This notebook elaborates on the optimisation process (using dev set)
    • Also the final evaluation process (using a test set)
  • Python File:

    • The utils file used to fine-tune and evaluate the BERT-based model
  • Python File:

    • The utils file used in other modules.

Folder: response_data

This folder includes the dataset used in the experiment.

Folder: Fig

This folder contains the confusion matrices of the systems

TXT File: requirements.txt

Includes all packages used in the project. Can be used to install the dependencies

Thesis Report: Chuqiao_Guo_MA_Thesis.pdf

The pdf which contains the full thesis report


The code for generating the data through prompt engineering and part of the code for data cleaning is inspired by ICF-activities-classifier

The code for fine-tuning the multilingual BERT model is adopted from bert4srl


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