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AI chat: Added 'ai chat' strategy which when enabled allow bots to ca…
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…ll an LLM api to respond.
mostlikely4r committed Nov 18, 2024
1 parent 509c5cf commit 6335276
Showing 13 changed files with 462 additions and 94 deletions.
96 changes: 59 additions & 37 deletions playerbot/PlayerbotAI.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1599,60 +1599,64 @@ void PlayerbotAI::HandleBotOutgoingPacket(const WorldPacket& packet)
isFromFreeBot = sPlayerbotAIConfig.IsFreeAltBot(guid1);

bool isMentioned = message.find(bot->GetName()) != std::string::npos;
bool isAiChat = HasStrategy("ai chat", BotState::BOT_STATE_NON_COMBAT);

ChatChannelSource chatChannelSource = GetChatChannelSource(bot, msgtype, chanName);

// random bot speaks, chat CD
if (isFromFreeBot && isPaused)

// BG: react only if mentioned or if not channel and real player spoke
if (bot->InBattleGround() && !(isMentioned || (msgtype != CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL && !isFromFreeBot)))

if (HasRealPlayerMaster() && guid1 != GetMaster()->GetObjectGuid())

if (lang == LANG_ADDON)

if (boost::algorithm::istarts_with(message, sPlayerbotAIConfig.toxicLinksPrefix)
&& (GetChatHelper()->ExtractAllItemIds(message).size() > 0 || GetChatHelper()->ExtractAllQuestIds(message).size() > 0)
&& sPlayerbotAIConfig.toxicLinksRepliesChance)
if (!isAiChat || isFromFreeBot)
if (urand(0, 50) > 0 || urand(1, 100) > sPlayerbotAIConfig.toxicLinksRepliesChance)
// random bot speaks, chat CD
if (isFromFreeBot && isPaused)
else if ((GetChatHelper()->ExtractAllItemIds(message).count(19019) && sPlayerbotAIConfig.thunderfuryRepliesChance))
if (urand(0, 60) > 0 || urand(1, 100) > sPlayerbotAIConfig.thunderfuryRepliesChance)

// BG: react only if mentioned or if not channel and real player spoke
if (bot->InBattleGround() && !(isMentioned || (msgtype != CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL && !isFromFreeBot)))
if (isFromFreeBot && urand(0, 20))

if (HasRealPlayerMaster() && guid1 != GetMaster()->GetObjectGuid())

if (msgtype == CHAT_MSG_GUILD && (!sPlayerbotAIConfig.guildRepliesRate || urand(1, 100) >= sPlayerbotAIConfig.guildRepliesRate))
if (lang == LANG_ADDON)

if (!isFromFreeBot)
if (boost::algorithm::istarts_with(message, sPlayerbotAIConfig.toxicLinksPrefix)
&& (GetChatHelper()->ExtractAllItemIds(message).size() > 0 || GetChatHelper()->ExtractAllQuestIds(message).size() > 0)
&& sPlayerbotAIConfig.toxicLinksRepliesChance)
if (urand(0, 50) > 0 || urand(1, 100) > sPlayerbotAIConfig.toxicLinksRepliesChance)
else if ((GetChatHelper()->ExtractAllItemIds(message).count(19019) && sPlayerbotAIConfig.thunderfuryRepliesChance))
if (!isMentioned && urand(0, 4))
if (urand(0, 60) > 0 || urand(1, 100) > sPlayerbotAIConfig.thunderfuryRepliesChance)
if (urand(0, 20 + 10 * isMentioned))
if (isFromFreeBot && urand(0, 20))

if (msgtype == CHAT_MSG_GUILD && (!sPlayerbotAIConfig.guildRepliesRate || urand(1, 100) >= sPlayerbotAIConfig.guildRepliesRate))

if (!isFromFreeBot)
if (!isMentioned && urand(0, 4))
if (urand(0, 20 + 10 * isMentioned))

QueueChatResponse(msgtype, guid1, ObjectGuid(), message, chanName, name);
QueueChatResponse(msgtype, guid1, ObjectGuid(), message, chanName, name, isAiChat);
GetAiObjectContext()->GetValue<time_t>("last said", "chat")->Set(time(0) + urand(5, 25));

@@ -6976,6 +6980,24 @@ std::list<Unit*> PlayerbotAI::GetAllHostileNPCNonPetUnitsAroundWO(WorldObject* w
return hostileUnitsNonPlayers;

void PlayerbotAI::SendDelayedPacket(WorldSession* session, std::future<std::vector<WorldPacket>> futurePacket, uint32 waitBeforeSend)
time_t doNotSendBefore = time(0) + waitBeforeSend;
std::thread t([session, futPacket = std::move(futurePacket), doNotSendBefore]() mutable {
if (doNotSendBefore > time(0))
Sleep(doNotSendBefore - time(0));

for (auto& packet : futPacket.get())
std::unique_ptr<WorldPacket> packetPtr(new WorldPacket(packet));



std::string PlayerbotAI::InventoryParseOutfitName(std::string outfit)
int pos = outfit.find("=");
@@ -7561,9 +7583,9 @@ bool PlayerbotAI::HasPlayerRelation()
return false;

void PlayerbotAI::QueueChatResponse(uint32 msgType, ObjectGuid guid1, ObjectGuid guid2, std::string message, std::string chanName, std::string name)
void PlayerbotAI::QueueChatResponse(uint32 msgType, ObjectGuid guid1, ObjectGuid guid2, std::string message, std::string chanName, std::string name, bool noDelay)
chatReplies.push(ChatQueuedReply(msgType, guid1.GetCounter(), guid2.GetCounter(), message, chanName, name, time(0) + urand(inCombat ? 10 : 5, inCombat ? 25 : 15)));
chatReplies.push(ChatQueuedReply(msgType, guid1.GetCounter(), guid2.GetCounter(), message, chanName, name, time(0) + noDelay ? 0 : urand(inCombat ? 10 : 5, inCombat ? 25 : 15)));

bool PlayerbotAI::PlayAttackEmote(float chanceMultiplier)
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion playerbot/PlayerbotAI.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ class PlayerbotAI : public PlayerbotAIBase
static std::string BotStateToString(BotState state);
std::string HandleRemoteCommand(std::string command);
void HandleCommand(uint32 type, const std::string& text, Player& fromPlayer, const uint32 lang = LANG_UNIVERSAL);
void QueueChatResponse(uint32 msgType, ObjectGuid guid1, ObjectGuid guid2, std::string message, std::string chanName, std::string name);
void QueueChatResponse(uint32 msgType, ObjectGuid guid1, ObjectGuid guid2, std::string message, std::string chanName, std::string name, bool noDelay = false);
void HandleBotOutgoingPacket(const WorldPacket& packet);
void HandleMasterIncomingPacket(const WorldPacket& packet);
void HandleMasterOutgoingPacket(const WorldPacket& packet);
@@ -510,6 +510,7 @@ class PlayerbotAI : public PlayerbotAIBase
std::list<Unit*> GetAllHostileUnitsAroundWO(WorldObject* wo, float distanceAround);
std::list<Unit*> GetAllHostileNPCNonPetUnitsAroundWO(WorldObject* wo, float distanceAround);

static void SendDelayedPacket(WorldSession* session, std::future<std::vector<WorldPacket>> futurePacket, uint32 waitBeforeSend = 0);
std::vector<Bag*> GetEquippedAnyBags();
std::vector<Bag*> GetEquippedQuivers();
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions playerbot/PlayerbotAIConfig.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include <numeric>
#include <iomanip>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <regex>

std::vector<std::string> ConfigAccess::GetValues(const std::string& name) const
@@ -66,6 +67,20 @@ void LoadListString(std::string value, T& list)

inline ParsedUrl parseUrl(const std::string& url) {
std::regex urlRegex(R"((http|https)://([^:/]+)(:([0-9]+))?(/.*)?)");
std::smatch match;
if (!std::regex_match(url, match, urlRegex)) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid URL format");

ParsedUrl parsed;
parsed.hostname = match[2];
parsed.port = match[4].length() ? std::stoi(match[4]) : 80;
parsed.path = match[5].length() ? match[5] : std::string("/");
return parsed;

bool PlayerbotAIConfig::Initialize()
sLog.outString("Initializing AI Playerbot by ike3, based on the original Playerbot by blueboy");
@@ -574,6 +589,27 @@ bool PlayerbotAIConfig::Initialize()
respawnModForPlayerBots = config.GetBoolDefault("AiPlayerbot.RespawnModForPlayerBots", false);
respawnModForInstances = config.GetBoolDefault("AiPlayerbot.RespawnModForInstances", false);

llmApiEndpoint = config.GetStringDefault("AiPlayerbot.LLMApiEndpoint", "");
try {
llmEndPointUrl = parseUrl(llmApiEndpoint);
catch (const std::invalid_argument& e) {
sLog.outError("Unable to parse LLMApiEndpoint url: %s", e.what());
llmApiKey = config.GetStringDefault("AiPlayerbot.LLMApiKey", "");
llmApiJson = config.GetStringDefault("AiPlayerbot.LLMApiJson", "{ \"max_length\": 100, \"prompt\": \"<pre_prompt><prompt><post_prompt>\"}");

llmPrePrompt = config.GetStringDefault("AiPlayerbot.LLMPrePrompt", "You are a roleplaying character in World of Warcraft: <expansion name>. Your name is <bot name>. The player speaking to you is named <player name>. You are level <bot level> and play as a <bot race> <bot class>. Answer as a roleplaying character. Limit responses to 100 characters.");
llmPrompt = config.GetStringDefault("AiPlayerbot.LLMPrompt", " <player message>");
llmPostPrompt = config.GetStringDefault("AiPlayerbot.LLMPostPrompt", "");

llmResponseStartPattern = config.GetStringDefault("AiPlayerbot.LLMResponseStartPattern", "\"results\":[{\"text\":\"");
std::replace(llmResponseStartPattern.begin(), llmResponseStartPattern.end(), '\'', '\"');
llmResponseEndPattern = config.GetStringDefault("AiPlayerbot.LLMResponseEndPattern", "\"");
std::replace(llmResponseEndPattern.begin(), llmResponseEndPattern.end(), '\'', '\"');

// Gear progression system
gearProgressionSystemEnabled = config.GetBoolDefault("AiPlayerbot.GearProgressionSystem.Enable", false);

12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions playerbot/PlayerbotAIConfig.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -62,6 +62,12 @@ class ConfigAccess
std::mutex m_configLock;

struct ParsedUrl {
std::string hostname;
std::string path;
int port;

class PlayerbotAIConfig
@@ -328,6 +334,12 @@ class PlayerbotAIConfig
bool perfMonEnabled;
bool bExplicitDbStoreSave = false;

std::string llmApiEndpoint, llmApiKey, llmApiJson, llmPrePrompt, llmPrompt, llmPostPrompt, llmResponseStartPattern, llmResponseEndPattern;

ParsedUrl llmEndPointUrl;

std::string GetValue(std::string name);
void SetValue(std::string name, std::string value);

163 changes: 120 additions & 43 deletions playerbot/PlayerbotLLMInterface.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@

#include "PlayerbotLLMInterface.h"
#include "PlayerbotAIConfig.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
@@ -18,10 +25,9 @@
#include <cstring>

std::string PlayerbotLLMInterface::Generate(const std::string& prompt) {
std::string serverIp = ""; // Replace with KoboldCpp server IP
int serverPort = 5001; // Replace with KoboldCpp server port

std::string PlayerbotLLMInterface::Generate(const std::string& prompt) {
const int bufferSize = 4096;
char buffer[bufferSize];
std::string response;
@@ -30,79 +36,82 @@ std::string PlayerbotLLMInterface::Generate(const std::string& prompt) {
// Initialize Winsock
WSADATA wsaData;
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData) != 0) {
return "WSAStartup failed";
sLog.outError("BotLLM: WSAStartup failed");
return "error";

// Create a socket
int sock;
// Parse the URL
ParsedUrl parsedUrl = sPlayerbotAIConfig.llmEndPointUrl;

// Resolve hostname to IP address
struct addrinfo hints = {}, * res;
hints.ai_family = AF_INET;
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
if (getaddrinfo(parsedUrl.hostname.c_str(), std::to_string(parsedUrl.port).c_str(), &hints, &res) != 0) {
sLog.outError("BotLLM: Failed to resolve hostname");
#ifdef _WIN32
if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) {
return "Socket creation failed";
sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sock < 0) {
return "Socket creation failed";
return "error";

// Server address setup
struct sockaddr_in serverAddr;
serverAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
serverAddr.sin_port = htons(serverPort);
// Create a socket
int sock;
#ifdef _WIN32
if (InetPton(AF_INET, serverIp.c_str(), &serverAddr.sin_addr) <= 0) {
sock = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol);
if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) {
sLog.outError("BotLLM: Socket creation failed");
return "Invalid server IP address";
return "error";
if (inet_pton(AF_INET, serverIp.c_str(), &serverAddr.sin_addr) <= 0) {
return "Invalid server IP address";
sock = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol);
if (sock < 0) {
sLog.outError("BotLLM: Socket creation failed");
return "error";

// Connect to the server
if (connect(sock, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen) < 0) {
sLog.outError("BotLLM: Connection to server failed");
#ifdef _WIN32
if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&serverAddr, sizeof(serverAddr)) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
return "Connection to server failed";
if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&serverAddr, sizeof(serverAddr)) < 0) {
return "Connection to server failed";
return "error";

freeaddrinfo(res); // Free the address info structure

// Create the HTTP POST request
std::ostringstream request;
request << "POST /api/v1/generate HTTP/1.1\r\n";
request << "Host: " << serverIp << ":" << serverPort << "\r\n";
request << "POST " << parsedUrl.path << " HTTP/1.1\r\n";
request << "Host: " << parsedUrl.hostname << "\r\n";
request << "Content-Type: application/json\r\n";
std::string body = "{\"prompt\": \"" + prompt + "\"}";
if (!sPlayerbotAIConfig.llmApiKey.empty())
request << "Authorization: Bearer " << sPlayerbotAIConfig.llmApiKey;
std::string body = prompt;
request << "Content-Length: " << body.size() << "\r\n";
request << "\r\n";
request << body;

// Send the request
if (send(sock, request.str().c_str(), request.str().size(), 0) < 0) {
sLog.outError("BotLLM: Failed to send request");
#ifdef _WIN32
if (send(sock, request.str().c_str(), request.str().size(), 0) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
return "Failed to send request";
if (send(sock, request.str().c_str(), request.str().size(), 0) < 0) {
return "Failed to send request";
return "error";

// Read the response
int bytesRead;
@@ -113,22 +122,90 @@ std::string PlayerbotLLMInterface::Generate(const std::string& prompt) {

#ifdef _WIN32
if (bytesRead == SOCKET_ERROR) {
response += "Error reading response";
sLog.outError("BotLLM: Error reading response");
if (bytesRead < 0) {
response += "Error reading response";
sLog.outError("BotLLM: Error reading response");

// Extract the response body (optional: depending on KoboldCpp response format)
// Extract the response body (optional: depending on the server response format)
size_t pos = response.find("\r\n\r\n");
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
response = response.substr(pos + 4);

return response;

std::vector<std::string> PlayerbotLLMInterface::ParseResponse(const std::string& response, std::string startPattern, std::string endPattern)
uint32 startCursor = 0;
uint32 endCursor = 0;
std::string subString;

std::vector<std::string> responses;

for (auto& c : response)
if (startCursor < startPattern.size())
if (c == ' ')

if (c != startPattern[startCursor])
startCursor = 0;


subString += c;

if ((subString.size() > 1 && subString.back() == 'n' && subString[subString.size() - 2] == '\\') || (subString.size() > 100 && c == '.') || (subString.size() > 200 && c == ' ') || subString.size() > 250)
if (subString.back() == 'n' && subString[subString.size() - 2] == '\\')

if (c == ' ')

if (c != endPattern[endCursor])
endCursor = 0;
if (subString.size() > 1 && subString[subString.size() - 2] == '\\')

if (endCursor == endPattern.size() && responses.size())
if (subString.size())

for (uint32 i = 0; i < std::min(endPattern.size(), responses.back().size()); i++)

return responses;
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions playerbot/PlayerbotLLMInterface.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ namespace ai
PlayerbotLLMInterface() {}
static std::string Generate(const std::string& prompt);

static std::vector<std::string> ParseResponse(const std::string& response, std::string startPattern, std::string endPattern);

33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions playerbot/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -927,6 +927,39 @@ AiPlayerbot.PerfMonEnabled = 0
# AiPlayerbot.DiffWithPlayer = 100
# AiPlayerbot.DiffEmpty = 200

# LLM values. These values are for noncombat strategy 'ai chat' which allows bots to reply using a LLM api.
# For a quickstart download koboldcpp, a 7b model from huggingface and start kobold.
# (Default) KoboldCPP examples:

# The api endpoint that should be called for chat generation.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMApiEndpoint =
# The api key needed to access the endpoint.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMApiKey =
# The default json to send to the endpoint.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMApiJson = {"max_length": 100, "prompt": "<pre prompt><prompt><post prompt>"}

# The default prompt to send at the beginning of each conversation.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMPrePrompt = You are a roleplaying character in World of Warcraft: <expansion name>. Your name is <bot name>. The player speaking to you is named <player name>. You are level <bot level> and play as a <bot race> <bot class>. Answer as a roleplaying character. Limit responses to 100 characters.
# The prompt part containing the last message from the player the bot is responding to.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMPrompt = <player message>
# The default prompt to send at the end of each conversation.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMPostPrompt =

# What pattern the server should look for to find the start of the repsonse the llm gave. Note spaces in the actual response are ignored of the start pattern.
# Double quotes at the start and end of the pattern need to be single quotes to be read correctly.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMResponseStartPattern = 'results":[{"text":'
# What pattern the server should look for that the response has ended.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMResponseEndPattern = '

# OPEN-AI example:
# AiPlayerbot.LLMApiEndpoint = http://IP/URL:PORT/v1/chat/completions
# AiPlayerbot.LLMApiKey = YOUR_API_KEY
# AiPlayerbot.LLMApiJson = {\"model\": \"gpt-4o-mini\", "\"messages\": [{\"role\": \"system\", \"content\": \"<pre prompt>\"},{\"role\": \"user\", \"content\": \"<prompt>\"}],\"max_tokens\": 60}
# AiPlayerbot.LLMPrePrompt = You are a roleplaying character in World of Warcraft: <expansion name>. Your name is <bot name>. The player speaking to you is named <player name>. You are level <bot level> and play as a <bot race> <bot class>. Answer as a roleplaying character. Limit responses to 100 characters.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMPrompt = <player message>
# AiPlayerbot.LLMPostPrompt =
# AiPlayerbot.LLMResponseStartPattern = 'message":{"role":"system","content":'
# AiPlayerbot.LLMResponseEndPattern = '

# Mystery config value. Currently enables async bot pathfinding. Rarely crashes the server.
# AiPlayerbot.TweakValue = 0
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions playerbot/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -946,6 +946,39 @@ AiPlayerbot.PerfMonEnabled = 0
# AiPlayerbot.DiffWithPlayer = 100
# AiPlayerbot.DiffEmpty = 200

# LLM values. These values are for noncombat strategy 'ai chat' which allows bots to reply using a LLM api.
# For a quickstart download koboldcpp, a 7b model from huggingface and start kobold.
# (Default) KoboldCPP examples:

# The api endpoint that should be called for chat generation.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMApiEndpoint =
# The api key needed to access the endpoint.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMApiKey =
# The default json to send to the endpoint.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMApiJson = {"max_length": 100, "prompt": "<pre prompt><prompt><post prompt>"}

# The default prompt to send at the beginning of each conversation.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMPrePrompt = You are a roleplaying character in World of Warcraft: <expansion name>. Your name is <bot name>. The player speaking to you is named <player name>. You are level <bot level> and play as a <bot race> <bot class>. Answer as a roleplaying character. Limit responses to 100 characters.
# The prompt part containing the last message from the player the bot is responding to.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMPrompt = <player message>
# The default prompt to send at the end of each conversation.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMPostPrompt =

# What pattern the server should look for to find the start of the repsonse the llm gave. Note spaces in the actual response are ignored of the start pattern.
# Double quotes at the start and end of the pattern need to be single quotes to be read correctly.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMResponseStartPattern = 'results":[{"text":'
# What pattern the server should look for that the response has ended.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMResponseEndPattern = '

# OPEN-AI example:
# AiPlayerbot.LLMApiEndpoint = http://IP/URL:PORT/v1/chat/completions
# AiPlayerbot.LLMApiKey = YOUR_API_KEY
# AiPlayerbot.LLMApiJson = {\"model\": \"gpt-4o-mini\", "\"messages\": [{\"role\": \"system\", \"content\": \"<pre prompt>\"},{\"role\": \"user\", \"content\": \"<prompt>\"}],\"max_tokens\": 60}
# AiPlayerbot.LLMPrePrompt = You are a roleplaying character in World of Warcraft: <expansion name>. Your name is <bot name>. The player speaking to you is named <player name>. You are level <bot level> and play as a <bot race> <bot class>. Answer as a roleplaying character. Limit responses to 100 characters.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMPrompt = <player message>
# AiPlayerbot.LLMPostPrompt =
# AiPlayerbot.LLMResponseStartPattern = 'message":{"role":"system","content":'
# AiPlayerbot.LLMResponseEndPattern = '

# Mystery config value. Currently enables async bot pathfinding. Rarely crashes the server.
# AiPlayerbot.TweakValue = 0
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions playerbot/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -886,6 +886,39 @@ AiPlayerbot.PerfMonEnabled = 0
# AiPlayerbot.DiffWithPlayer = 100
# AiPlayerbot.DiffEmpty = 200

# LLM values. These values are for noncombat strategy 'ai chat' which allows bots to reply using a LLM api.
# For a quickstart download koboldcpp, a 7b model from huggingface and start kobold.
# (Default) KoboldCPP examples:

# The api endpoint that should be called for chat generation.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMApiEndpoint =
# The api key needed to access the endpoint.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMApiKey =
# The default json to send to the endpoint.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMApiJson = {"max_length": 100, "prompt": "<pre prompt><prompt><post prompt>"}

# The default prompt to send at the beginning of each conversation.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMPrePrompt = You are a roleplaying character in World of Warcraft: <expansion name>. Your name is <bot name>. The player speaking to you is named <player name>. You are level <bot level> and play as a <bot race> <bot class>. Answer as a roleplaying character. Limit responses to 100 characters.
# The prompt part containing the last message from the player the bot is responding to.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMPrompt = <player message>
# The default prompt to send at the end of each conversation.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMPostPrompt =

# What pattern the server should look for to find the start of the repsonse the llm gave. Note spaces in the actual response are ignored of the start pattern.
# Double quotes at the start and end of the pattern need to be single quotes to be read correctly.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMResponseStartPattern = 'results":[{"text":'
# What pattern the server should look for that the response has ended.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMResponseEndPattern = '

# OPEN-AI example:
# AiPlayerbot.LLMApiEndpoint = http://IP/URL:PORT/v1/chat/completions
# AiPlayerbot.LLMApiKey = YOUR_API_KEY
# AiPlayerbot.LLMApiJson = {\"model\": \"gpt-4o-mini\", "\"messages\": [{\"role\": \"system\", \"content\": \"<pre prompt>\"},{\"role\": \"user\", \"content\": \"<prompt>\"}],\"max_tokens\": 60}
# AiPlayerbot.LLMPrePrompt = You are a roleplaying character in World of Warcraft: <expansion name>. Your name is <bot name>. The player speaking to you is named <player name>. You are level <bot level> and play as a <bot race> <bot class>. Answer as a roleplaying character. Limit responses to 100 characters.
# AiPlayerbot.LLMPrompt = <player message>
# AiPlayerbot.LLMPostPrompt =
# AiPlayerbot.LLMResponseStartPattern = 'message":{"role":"system","content":'
# AiPlayerbot.LLMResponseEndPattern = '

# Mystery config value. Currently enables async bot pathfinding. Rarely crashes the server.
# AiPlayerbot.TweakValue = 0
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions playerbot/strategy/StrategyContext.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ namespace ai
creators["wbuff"] = &StrategyContext::world_buff;
creators["silent"] = &StrategyContext::silent;
creators["nowar"] = &StrategyContext::nowar;
creators["ai chat"] = [](PlayerbotAI* ai) { return new AIChatStrategy(ai); };

// Dungeon Strategies
creators["dungeon"] = &StrategyContext::dungeon;
42 changes: 29 additions & 13 deletions playerbot/strategy/actions/DebugAction.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@

#include "playerbot/playerbot.h"
#include "DebugAction.h"
#include "playerbot/PlayerbotAIConfig.h"
@@ -14,6 +13,7 @@
#include "playerbot/PlayerbotLLMInterface.h"

#include <iomanip>
#include "SayAction.h"

using namespace ai;

@@ -99,26 +99,42 @@ bool DebugAction::Execute(Event& event)
else if (text.find("llm ") == 0)
Player* player = bot;

std::future<std::vector<WorldPacket>> futurePacket = std::async([player, text, requester] {

std::thread t([text, requester]() {
WorldPacket new_packet(Opcodes(CMSG_MESSAGECHAT), 4096);
WorldPacket packet_template(CMSG_MESSAGECHAT, 4096);

uint32 type = CHAT_MSG_SAY;
uint32 type = CHAT_MSG_WHISPER;
uint32 lang = LANG_UNIVERSAL;

new_packet << type;
new_packet << lang;
packet_template << type;
packet_template << lang;
packet_template << requester->GetName();

std::string string = PlayerbotLLMInterface::Generate(text.substr(4));
std::map<std::string, std::string> jsonFill;
jsonFill["<prompt>"] = text.substr(4);
std::string json = BOT_TEXT2(sPlayerbotAIConfig.llmApiJson, jsonFill);

new_packet << string;
std::string response = PlayerbotLLMInterface::Generate(json);
std::vector<std::string> lines = PlayerbotLLMInterface::ParseResponse(response, sPlayerbotAIConfig.llmResponseStartPattern, sPlayerbotAIConfig.llmResponseEndPattern);

std::unique_ptr<WorldPacket> packet(new WorldPacket(new_packet.GetOpcode()));
*packet = new_packet;
std::vector<WorldPacket> packets;
for (auto& line : lines)
WorldPacket packet(packet_template);
packet << line;

return; });
return packets; });

ai->SendDelayedPacket(bot->GetSession(), std::move(futurePacket));
return true;
else if (text.find("chatreplydo ") == 0)
ChatReplyAction::ChatReplyDo(bot, CHAT_MSG_WHISPER, requester->GetGUIDLow(), 0, text.substr(12), "", requester->GetName());
return true;
else if (text == "gy" && isMod)
87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions playerbot/strategy/actions/SayAction.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include "playerbot/AiFactory.h"
#include <regex>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include "playerbot/PlayerbotLLMInterface.h"

using namespace ai;

@@ -184,6 +185,92 @@ void ChatReplyAction::ChatReplyDo(Player* bot, uint32 type, uint32 guid1, uint32

if (bot->GetPlayerbotAI() && bot->GetPlayerbotAI()->HasStrategy("ai chat", BotState::BOT_STATE_NON_COMBAT))
Player* player = sObjectAccessor.FindPlayer(ObjectGuid(HIGHGUID_PLAYER, guid1));
if (player && player->isRealPlayer())
PlayerbotAI* ai = bot->GetPlayerbotAI();
std::map<std::string, std::string> placeholders;
placeholders["<bot name>"] = bot->GetName();
placeholders["<bot level>"] = std::to_string(bot->GetLevel());
placeholders["<bot class>"] = ai->GetChatHelper()->formatClass(bot->getClass());
placeholders["<bot race>"] = ai->GetChatHelper()->formatRace(bot->getRace());
placeholders["<player name>"] = player->GetName();
placeholders["<expansion name>"] = "Wrath of the Lichking";
placeholders["<player message>"] = msg;

std::map<std::string, std::string> jsonFill;
jsonFill["<pre prompt>"] = sPlayerbotAIConfig.llmPrePrompt;
jsonFill["<prompt>"] = sPlayerbotAIConfig.llmPrompt;
jsonFill["<post prompt>"] = sPlayerbotAIConfig.llmPostPrompt;
std::string json = BOT_TEXT2(sPlayerbotAIConfig.llmApiJson, jsonFill);

json = BOT_TEXT2(json, placeholders);

std::string playerName;

uint32 type = CHAT_MSG_WHISPER;

switch (chatChannelSource)
case ChatChannelSource::SRC_WHISPER:
playerName = player->GetName();
case ChatChannelSource::SRC_SAY:
type = CHAT_MSG_SAY;
case ChatChannelSource::SRC_YELL:
case ChatChannelSource::SRC_PARTY:
case ChatChannelSource::SRC_GUILD:

std::future<std::vector<WorldPacket>> futurePackets = std::async([type, bot, playerName, json] {

WorldPacket packet_template(CMSG_MESSAGECHAT, 4096);

uint32 lang = LANG_UNIVERSAL;

packet_template << type;
packet_template << lang;

packet_template << playerName;

std::string response = PlayerbotLLMInterface::Generate(json);
std::vector<std::string> lines = PlayerbotLLMInterface::ParseResponse(response, sPlayerbotAIConfig.llmResponseStartPattern, sPlayerbotAIConfig.llmResponseEndPattern);

std::vector<WorldPacket> packets;
for (auto& line : lines)
WorldPacket packet(packet_template);
packet << line;

return packets; });

ai->SendDelayedPacket(bot->GetSession(), std::move(futurePackets));


SendGeneralResponse(bot, chatChannelSource, GenerateReplyMessage(bot, msg, guid1, name), name);
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions playerbot/strategy/generic/DebugStrategy.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -178,6 +178,21 @@ namespace ai
return "This strategy will bots log anything they say to master to a logfile with the bot's name";
virtual std::vector<std::string> GetRelatedStrategies() { return { "debug" }; }

class AIChatStrategy : public Strategy
AIChatStrategy(PlayerbotAI* ai) : Strategy(ai) {}
virtual int GetType() { return STRATEGY_TYPE_NONCOMBAT; }
virtual std::string getName() { return "ai chat"; }
#ifdef GenerateBotHelp
virtual std::string GetHelpName() { return "ai chat"; } //Must equal iternal name
virtual std::string GetHelpDescription() {
return "Uses the LLM system to respond to player chats.";
virtual std::vector<std::string> GetRelatedStrategies() { return { "" }; }

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