Repository for the CoE CSE/EE Makerspace (documentation, source code, examples, etc.)
The Makerspace is a shared space for equipment, collaboration, and discovery in the CoE. Students may use equipment for academic or personal engineering projects that are appropriate for the facility (i.e., projects adhere to safety standards and general university guidelines).
The CSE/EE Makerspace is open to all currently enrolled UTA CoE students during open hours. After hours access via card swipe may be requested and granted on an indivudal basis, email Dr. McMurrough for more info (mcmurrough AT
Open hours for all CoE hours are as follows:
Wednesday 12:00 - 5:00 Thursday 12:00 - 5:00 Friday 12:00 - 5:00
Additional availability will be added soon!
Limited funding is available for cool student projects developed in the makerspace. Email Dr. McMurrough for more information.