What's Changed
- Replace old iterators in python script (ROOT 6.32 compatibility), fixing python scripts by @anigamova in #977
- fix seg fault with FitDiagnostics plots by @kcormi in #991
- Fix #987, incorrect dependency in conda_env.yml by @pitkajuh in #988
- Fix bugs in shapeN + CMSHistFunc/Sum by @ajgilbert in #995
- Update cvmfs-ci workflow by @anigamova in #993
- Update Impacts.py (making
option in Impacts.py compatible with the one in src/Combine.cc ) by @anigamova in #996 - Adding getProcessNorms() to CMSHistErrorPropagator by @nucleosynthesis in #994
Tutorials and documentation updates
- Add tutorial material by @kcormi in #979
- Add material for tutorial on model building by @anigamova in #981
- Updating CH instructions for checkout since not needed as much now (… by @nucleosynthesis in #976
- Add approx. impacts to docs by @nucleosynthesis in #985
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v10.0.1...v10.0.2