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Releases: cmsb2g/B2GAnaFW

For 03Feb reprocessed data and Summer16 MC

11 May 21:55
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Change since v8.0.x_v3.1:

Adding back photon-jets collection that was eft out in v8.0.x_v3.1

=== Buggy: do not use ===

06 May 03:27
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=== Buggy: do not use ===

Changes since v8.0.x_v2.5:

  • Updated GT for 03Feb2017 data re-processing
  • Electron MVA IDs
  • Photon IDS

Updates with Moriond 2017 GT and JECs, muon IDs, and MET bugfix

17 Feb 18:43
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Changes since v8.0.x_v2.4:

  • GT for Moriond17 MC and re-processed data
  • JECs for Moriond 2017
  • variables for medium muon ID
  • bugfix in MET corrections where residual corrections were not getting applied.

Same as v8.0.x_v2.3 but updating with options to take JECs from test/JECs directory in case of local running.

19 Dec 11:26
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adding option "runCRAB" to for reading JEC SQLite files from test/JECs for interactive running.
Updating CondDB path.

Production release for re-reco data and Summer16 (Moriond17) MC

16 Dec 14:18
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JECs used: Spring16_25nsV10 (run-era dependent). Taken from private SQLite file.

Development tag NOT FOR PRODUCTION

13 Dec 21:03
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Testing and intermediate Ntuples generation. Spring16_25nsV10 JECs used. Missing item: MVA electron ID

Production tag for all 2016 prompt reco data

13 Oct 15:53
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New production tag for processing all data collected up to now and RunIISpring16MiniAODv2 MC. Major change to the B2GAnaFW event content. Will not be compatible with older NTuple versions.

80x data and MC (2016) processing

12 Jun 03:08
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Exactly the same as v8.0.x_v1.1, except for data the MET object is from "RECO", not "PAT".

80x data and MC (2016) processing

10 Jun 19:09
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Content similar to :


  • Updated to 80x data and MC with 80x JECs
  • Fixed bug in framework to get subjet b-tagging to work with PUPPI

Production tag for 76x data and MC, with additional subjet info

28 Apr 16:30
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  • Fixed pt cut applied to subjets, was accidentally set to 100 GeV
  • Propagated bug fix from JetToolbox to store n-subjettiness for subjets
  • Added AK8 GenJet subjet four vectors.