This library is a modification of TakuSemba/Spotlight. It has been modified and reworked with several enhancements:
- Single or Multiple targets
- Custom direct drawing of a text description of the highlighted target
- Closing on touch outside of an attached View
- Pre/Post rendering of custom images
- "Smart" drawing of the message, based on the anchor points for the text and target
- Target positioning based on an offset from the selected target View (useful for highlighting an icon on a TextView and not the whole View)
- Use of non-circular (including custom) effects
Here are some example usages pulled directly from another project. In the first example, it is a basic usage with a TargetListener to show/hide buttons to advance/rewind the Target, and a OnTargetRenderListener to draw a custom message on the screen, instead of relying on a View to hold the message. This allows reuse of the same backing View for all Targets, instead of a new View, as in the original design.
val menuTarget = SingleTarget.Builder()
.setAnchorWithOffset(toolbar, -(toolbar.width/2f)+ImgUtils.dpToPx(30), 0f)
.setEffect(PulseEffect(Triple(100f,0f,0f), 150f, Color.parseColor("#2e7d32"), 2000))
.setOnRenderListener(object: OnTargetRenderListener {
val bmp = RandomSpotlightArrow.getRandomArrowBitmap(ImgUtils.dpToPx(96).toFloat(), false, 180f)
val msgBmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(requireActivity().window.decorView.width,requireActivity().window.decorView.height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
var msgRenderd = false
override fun onRendered(c: Canvas, t: Target, p: Paint) {
p.apply {
alpha = 255
colorFilter = PorterDuffColorFilter(Color.parseColor("#ffff0000"), PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN)
c.drawBitmap(bmp, t.anchor.x + 64f, t.anchor.y + 64f, p)
if(!msgRenderd) {
val ax = t.anchor.x + 64f + bmp.width/2
val ay = t.anchor.y + 64f + bmp.height/2
val bpl = IntArray(2)
val bnl = IntArray(2)
val hits = listOf(HitArea(HitArea.CIRCLE, PointF(ax,ay), ImgUtils.dpToPx(64).toFloat()),
HitArea(HitArea.RECT, PointF(bpl[0].toFloat(), bpl[1].toFloat()), bPrev!!.width.toFloat(), bPrev!!.height.toFloat()),
HitArea(HitArea.RECT, PointF(bnl[0].toFloat(), bnl[1].toFloat()), bNext!!.width.toFloat(), bNext!!.height.toFloat()))
t.renderTargetMessage(msgBmp, PointF(ax, ay), msgBmp.width - ax - 20, hits)
msgRenderd = true
p.apply {
colorFilter = null
c.drawBitmap(msgBmp, 0f, 0f, p)
.setOnTargetListener(object: OnTargetListener {
override fun onStarted() {
bPrev?.visibility = View.VISIBLE
bNext?.visibility = View.VISIBLE
bPrevTop?.visibility = View.GONE
bNextTop?.visibility = View.GONE
override fun onEnded() { }
.setMessage("Welcome to the start of savings. \n Click the menu button to access your grocery lists, find stores, scan receipts, and more. \n " +
"Click anywhere on the screen to close this help info (it can be accessed again at anytime from the menu).")
The second example shows usage of a custom image for a RecyclerView. The custom image is anchored to the RecyclerView if it has no children and to the first valid view if it does (this recycler shows ads, so the first view may be an ad and not valid). It highlights the Target if there is a valid child and draws the custom image simulating a Target if there is not. As you can see in this and the above example, the custom images for the text and child are cached and reused since they should be static.
var v = (slistView.recyclerShopLists.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(0)?.itemView)
var cld: View? = null
val pos = IntArray(2)
var offst = 0f
if(v != null) {
cld = v.findViewById<View>(
if(cld != null) {
} else v = null
if(v == null) {
v = (slistView.recyclerShopLists.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(1)?.itemView)
if(v != null) {
cld = v.findViewById<View>(
if(cld != null) {
} else v = null
offst = ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(resources, R.drawable.tgt_item_list, null)!!.intrinsicHeight / 2f
} else {
offst = cld.height / 2f
val itemTarget = SingleTarget.Builder()
.setAnchor(pos[0].toFloat() + slistView.recyclerShopLists.width/2, pos[1].toFloat() + offst)
.setShape(RoundedRectangle(2*offst, slistView.recyclerShopLists.width.toFloat(), 5f))
.setEffect(PulseEffect(Triple(50f,slistView.recyclerShopLists.width.toFloat(),2*offst + 25), 5f,
ContextCompat.getColor(requireContext(), R.color.colorAccent),2000, effectShape = EFFECT_SHAPE_RECTANGLE))
.setOnRenderListener(object: OnTargetRenderListener {
var dflt = ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(resources, R.drawable.tgt_item_list, null)!!
var bmp: Bitmap? = null
val msgBmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(requireActivity().window.decorView.width,requireActivity().window.decorView.height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
var msgRenderd = false
var bmpRendered = false
val itmsInList = (v!=null)
override fun onPreRender(c: Canvas, t: Target, p: Paint) {
val ratio = dflt.intrinsicWidth / slistView.recyclerShopLists.width.toFloat()
bmp = dflt.toBitmap(slistView.recyclerShopLists.width, (dflt.intrinsicHeight * ratio).toInt())
bmpRendered = true
c.drawBitmap(bmp!!, 0f, pos[1].toFloat(), p)
override fun onRendered(c: Canvas, t: Target, p: Paint) {
if(!msgRenderd) {
val ax = t.anchor.x
val ay = t.anchor.y + offst + ImgUtils.dpToPx(36f)
val bpl = IntArray(2)
val bnl = IntArray(2)
val scrnCntr = requireActivity().window.decorView.width/2 // Want centered on object offset from center of screen, so available
val offset = Math.abs(scrnCntr - ax) // width is ScreenWidth - (2 * offset width)
val hits = listOf(HitArea(HitArea.RECT, PointF(bpl[0].toFloat(), bpl[1].toFloat()), bPrev!!.width.toFloat(), bPrev!!.height.toFloat()),
HitArea(HitArea.RECT, PointF(bnl[0].toFloat(), bnl[1].toFloat()), bNext!!.width.toFloat(), bNext!!.height.toFloat()))
t.renderTargetMessage(msgBmp, PointF(ax, ay), msgBmp.width - (offset*2f) - 30f, hits)
msgRenderd = true
p.apply {
colorFilter = null
c.drawBitmap(msgBmp, 0f, 0f, p)
.setOnTargetListener(object: OnTargetListener {
override fun onStarted() {
bPrevTop?.visibility = View.GONE
bNextTop?.visibility = View.GONE
bPrev?.visibility = View.VISIBLE
bNext?.visibility = View.VISIBLE
override fun onEnded() { }
.setMessage("Click on the remove button to remove an item from the list (when searching, click on the add button to add it to the list). \n " +
"When searching there will be a generic item added to the list, that you can add if unsure of which particular item you want " +
"(i.e. what specific bread).")
val spotlight = Spotlight.Builder(requireActivity())
To show the Spotlight immediately on load, you can attach it to a GlobalLayoutListener as such:
// Spotlight
slistView.recyclerShopLists.viewTreeObserver.addOnGlobalLayoutListener( object: ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener {
override fun onGlobalLayout() {