This boilerplate includes an example React component with its story and unit tests. Accessability tests are enabled through addon: @storybook/addon-a11y.
A base tailwind build is also included, add custom tailwind.config.js if needed.
The boilerplate is intended to be used as a seperate project (design system) and should only contain React components, stories, tests and documentation. The contents of this project are meant to be distributed by releasing them as an npm package (explained below). Storybook also builds a static app which can be deployed to Vercel, Chromatic,...
yarn storybook
Deploying to Vercel or another platform is required as we are going to be accessing the design system in other apps via url. Apart from that, having our storybook accessible online is great for the whole team. Override Vercels build command with:
yarn test && yarn build-storybook
Set output directory to: storybook-static Set ENV variable: SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK=true
export components & extras:
React components and extras (styles,...) should be exported in file: /src/index.js
build design system as a package:
yarn build
Builds contents of /src folder into /dist
Add NPM package metadata:
yarn init
Get GitHub & NPM tokens:
- generata GitHub personal token with repo access
- generate NPM token: with Publish permission
- Add both tokens in .env file: name them GH_TOKEN and NPM_TOKEN
Create GitHub labels:
yarn auto create-labels
Create a release:
yarn release
Troubleshooting error: npm ERR! code ENEEDAUTH when npm adduser doesn't work: Make sure your package.json includes:
"publishConfig": {
"registry": ""
Add NPM & GitHub tokens to GitHub Secrets:
- Create new secret named NPM_TOKEN and save the token from .env (the token will be available through: secrets.NPM_TOKEN)
- You don't need to setup another secret for your GitHub token. All GitHub users automatically get a secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN associated with their account.
Automate releases with GitHub Actions: Uncomment file .github/workflows/push.yml
- Import live storybook site via url: The app that is accessing our design system should have the base storybook set up. In the apps .storybook/main.js file reference our design system via url:
// .storybook/main.js
module.exports = {
stories: ['../src/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx)'],
refs: {
'design-system': {
title: 'Our design system',
//👇 The url provided by Vercel when it was deployed
url: '',
Adding this reference will combine the apps local storybook with our design system.
- Include our design system as a dependency
yarn add <name-of-the-npm-package-that-holds-our-design-system>
Official documentation at Storybook.