Tags: cnorthrop/VulkanTools
Update to 1.0.54 Vulkan release Change-Id: Ic865d8330a85bbc6c8bd3f7b38514973e2dc6eeb
demos: Modify correct uniform buffer for next frame Change-Id: I78b8f5ef63fb2c14a3ce431f3e6f6a809e65972f
vkreplay: Handle portablity table size = 0 Change-Id: Ie1711516bfd05a00b40573efaf954e1b33cd9359
header: Bump vktrace/layersvt json to 1.0.38 Change-Id: Ia98d029980989ecf3adaf2269b7796bf5d751ddc
vktrace: set PMB default to false. Also: change segv handler in trace layer to not save address list in order to avoid malloc calls. Change-Id: I13911be7c4bc6f4293b35426f803e7540fbfa751
Final working shapshot of repo containing the LunarG Vulkan ICD
via: Fix missing items on Linux VIA was failing because it was missing a few linux search paths. Also, it would fail incorrectly if the top-level test folder wasn't there instead of sending back a no-exist flag. Change-Id: I83cff1b921c5986c3eaf073c7658eca75221f378
layers: Update layers to 1.0.32 Change-Id: Iee12463c55fa71f40d0a3ae946025430442fc974