Automatic sync local and remote file in vim
Install using bundle,vundle,pathogen or your favorite Vim package manager.
create a execute file called .sync in your project directory. e.g. /project_dir/ is your project dirctory and the execute file is /project_dir/.sync. how to write execute file see "some execute config" section.
Upload current buffer file, it will execute the command: project_dir/.sync upload current_buffer_fold current_file_name
Download current buffer file, it will execute the command: project_dir/.sync download current_buffer_fold current_file_name
- rsync:
#!/bin/sh if [ "upload" == $1 ];then rsync -azcuv -e "/bin/ssh -p36000 -q" `dirname $0`/$2/$3 login_name@remote_host:/remote_path/$2/$3 elif [ 'download' == $1 ];then rsync -azcuv -e "/bin/ssh -p36000 -q" login_name@remote_host:/remote_path/$2/$3 `dirname $0`/$2/$3 fi
- sftp:
#!/bin/sh if [ "upload" == $1 ];then expect -c <<'END_EXPECT' set timeout -1 spawn sftp [email protected] expect "[Pp]assword:" send "login_password\r" expect "sftp>" send "put `dirname $0`/$2/$3 /remote_path/$2/$3\r" expect "%100" send "quit\r" expect eof END_EXPECT elif [ 'download' == $1 ];then expect -c <<'END_EXPECT' set timeout -1 spawn sftp [email protected] expect "[Pp]assword:" send "login_password\r" expect "sftp>" send "get /remote_path/$2/$3 `dirname $0`/$2/$3 \r" expect "%100" send "quit\r" expect eof END_EXPECT fi
- ftp:
#!/bin/sh if [ "upload" == $1 ];then ncftpput -m -u login_name -p login_password -P 21 remote_host remote_path/$2 `dirname $0`/$2/$3 elif [ 'download' == $1 ];then ncftpget -u login_name -p login_password -P 21 remote_host `dirname $0`/$2 remote_path/$2/$3 fi
referred to rsync
If you want to another command, write following like.
nnoremap <C-U> <ESC>:call SyncUploadFile()<CR>
nnoremap <C-U> <ESC>:call SyncDownloadFile()<CR>
if you want to auto upload/download file where save/open file, write these code in you .emacs config file:
autocmd BufWritePost * :call SyncUploadFile() autocmd BufReadPre * :call SyncDownloadFile()