Shaping the change to green socially (DeepL)
By facilitating a dynamic and cause-related internalization of pollutant emissions from public road traffic, GreenFee is creating a greener environment with mobility for everyone. Generated by crowdworking, real-time profiles of air pollution offer cities a valid management instrument for the emission of pollution rights. Acquired by means of masked authenticated messaging (MAM), drivers of homologated Euro 5 (or less) diesel-powered combustion vehicles are authorized to participate in public road traffic. While sensors record actual emissions, geographical data as well as corresponding emission charges are being documented within the blockchain. Outstanding liabilities will comfortably be deducted from the wallet, whereas agency costs for authorities are being minimized. Offering a dynamic traffic management system, GreenFee forms a superior alternative to today’s driving bans or hardware retrofits. GreenFee’s vision is to establish a wide range of long-term applications for a sustainable emission management, industry-wide.