Visit our website to start #writeyourfuture
Visit our website to start #writeyourfuture
This website is meant to help students find peers that are working on the same project
Custom LightDM greeter and lock screen theme for Codam. Requires nody-greeter or web-greeter
Spark sessions help beginning students dissect the first larger projects of the curriculum.
Coalition ranking system using Intranet Titles for each rank
Python 9
Ansible playbook to install the codam-web-greeter on a 42 network computer
Custom LightDM greeter and lock screen theme for Codam. Requires nody-greeter or web-greeter
Fork of the official 42 Norminette. Please report issues & pull requests to 42School/norminette directly.
A browser extension that makes printed articles on Substack look better
This website is meant to help students find peers that are working on the same project