This program is for configuration ERPNext with ZKT Fingerprint Attendance and it's completely open source and free to use.
1- python Version 3.6.X or higher.
2- run CMD as administrator and follow this commend:
pip install requests
pip install pickledb
pip install pyzk
pip install PyQt5
1- create folder on C:\ and rename to "ERPNextBA".
2- copy the files to "ERPNextBA" directory.
3- run "ERPNextBA_Config.exe" and add your configuration.
4- press on "Set Configuration".
5- run "Start Service" and the process will start on the background.
6- run Running Status to check from process status.
7- make shortcut for "ERPNextBA.exe" to desktop and use it pull fingerprints to the system.
the process maybe dally if you have big data on your Fingerprint Attendance.