using cypress-visual-regression plugin for verifying web page
Assume you already installed Cypress and done ready to code :)
Install Cypress visual regression npm install cypress-visual-regression
Configure visual regression plugin
where? in cypress.config.js
importing the configureVisualRegression function from the cypress-visual-regression plugin
const { configureVisualRegression } = require('cypress-visual-regression')
configure environment variables module.exports = defineConfig({ e2e: { env: { visualRegressionType: "base", visualRegressionBaseDirectory: "cypress/snapshots/base", visualRegressionDiffDirectory: "cypress/snapshots/diff", }, setupNodeEvents(on, config) { // implement node event listeners here configureVisualRegression(on); }, }, });
import { addCompareSnapshotCommand } from "cypress-visual-regression/dist/command";
your test/spect file
describe("Visual Regression Test", () => { it("should capture the base screenshot", () => { cy.visit(""); // Replace with your site URL cy.compareSnapshot("base-screenshot"); // screenshot name }); });
you will notice two folders created under cypress
cypress\snapshots\base (cypress\screenshots\cypress\e2e\1-getting-started\
cypress\screenshots (cypress\snapshots\base\cypress\e2e\
now base screenshots are captured
update configuration to perform visual testing earlier given as "base"
visualRegressionType: "regression"
it will capture a new screenshot place it in the "screenshots" folder and compare it with the screenshot in the "snapshots/base" of that spec file
update base screenshot manually to validate failed scenario
the test will fail and a screenshot is placed below with the differences found