released this
29 Jun 09:17
3073 commits
to master
since this release
This is a beta release of the next major version of Reveal. Reveal 2.0 comes with ThreeJS embedded so you do not have this as a dependency in your project. If you still want to have it as a direct dependency, it must match the version used by Reveal (r128). You can also use three.js version exported by Reveal as import { THREE } from '@cognite/reveal
🚀 Features
- feat: add Cognite3DModel.getAncestorsTreeIndices and add example for highlight-on-click (#1538)
🐞 Bug fixes and enhancements
- fix: not able to load same model twice [REV-132] (#1555)
- improvement: CTM cache will no longer trigger many requests for the same file (#1551)
- improvement: loading spinner is now combined with the Cognite logo and shows Reveal version on hover (#1553)
📖 Documentation
- docs: allow classes and async/await in live examples (#1543)
See installation documentation for details about installing Reveal.