Accept Cryptocurrencies on your Magento 2 store with Coinbase Commerce module.
- SSL enabled.
- It will accept Cryptocurrencies payment on your store with ease.
- Secure payment, goes directly into your own Cryptocurrency wallet.
- Following Cryptocurrencies are accepted by the Coinbase Commerce.
- Bitcoin
- Bitcoin Cash
- Ethereum
- Litecoin
- USD Coin
If you don't have a Coinbase Commerce account, Sign Up.
- Sign in to your Magento server as a Magento file system owner.
- Navigate to the root of your Magento installation.
- Run the command to download module:
composer require coinbase/coinbase-commerce-magento
- Run the following commands to install module:
bin/magento module:enable CoinbaseCommerce_PaymentGateway --clear-static-content
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
bin/magento cache:clean
- Create an API Key Coinbase Commerce Dashboard -> API keys -> Create an API key.
- Get the API Secret Coinbase Commerce Dashboard -> Show Shared Secrets.
- Configure module in Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Payment Methods.
- Scroll down to 'Coinbase Commerce'. If you can't find 'Coinbase Commerce', try clearing your Magento cache.
- Enabled - Select "Yes" to enabled.
- Title - it will display on Checkout Page.
- New Order Status - Pending (By default).
- Sort Order - (Optional) enter integer value, Order with 0 shows at top in the list
- API Key - paste the API key.
- API Secret - paste the API secret.
- CALLBACK URL - copy the given link to Coinbase Commerce Dashboard -> Webhook subscriptions -> Add an endpoint.
Click "Save Config" on the upper right part of the screen.
- At Checkout Page customer will enter his/her shipping address.
- Select the payment method "Coinbase Commerce" and hit the "Place Order" button.
- Coinbase Commerce module will redirect the customer to the Payment Interface.
- Under this payment window customer will have to pay within 15 minutes.
- Once paid customer will be redirected to Magento store with a Success or Failure message.
- Order status will be "On Hold" in the following UNRESOLVED cases: (Multiple, Underpaid or Overpaid paymnet).
- If payment is not received within 15 minutes, Order will be Cancelled.
In order to resolve the order status of “On Hold” Order. Merchant/Admin will have to follow the given steps in sequence.
- Navigate to Sales -> Orders -> Click "view".
- Click Unhold (Top Right).
- Locate the section “Notes for this order”.
- Add Comment and notify the customer.
- Generate the invoice manually.