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The next great Bitcoin library, written in pure Python, currently in beta and under development.

Bitforge provides a solid model of Bitcoin objects, through method-rich immutable instances and precise error descriptions.

Currently, Bitforge supports:

  • Key creation and handling, with PrivateKey and PublicKey
  • Key derivation, with HDPrivateKey and HDPublicKey
  • Script compilation and evaluation, through Script and Interpreter
  • Pay-to-Pubkey and Pay-to-Script, with Input, Output, and their subclasses
  • Transaction creation and signing, through Transaction

This is enough to create, sign and serialize a multisig Transaction. The process takes 5-10 lines of code.

Bitforge will eventually provide:

  • A high-level fluent interface, with progressive builders to wrap the immutable layer below.
  • Full test coverage (currently partial)


Send bitcoins from an address to another
from bitforge import PrivateKey, AddressInput, AddressOutput, Transaction

# 1. Create an AddressInput with details from the Unspent Transaction Output
in0 = AddressInput.create(
    tx_id     = '4baa7551933fbf26158a619c3084ccdd5c0d81930b3e74a85a33ad26d13f1a55',
    txo_index = 0,
    address   = Address.from_string('1Dy6qCRsjJ4Y3BYv7m9nf12aUMXD4RWMHC')

# 2. Create an AddressOutput that you can redeem with your PrivateKey:
privkey = PrivateKey.from_hex('21c601c0ae6dfcdcf622e6fe2be9153ed7ada0cc90a8a08475e57060e18c0791')

out0 = AddressOutput.create(
    amount  = 1000, # satoshis
    address = privkey.to_address()

# 3. Create the Transaction:
tx = Transaction(inputs = [ in0 ], outputs = [ out0 ])

# 4. Sign the first Input:
signed_tx = tx.sign([ privkey ], 0)
Send funds to a multisig address
from bitforge import PrivateKey, AddressInput, MultisigOutput, Transaction

# 1. Create an AddressInput with details from the Unspent Transaction Output
in0 = AddressInput.create(
    tx_id     = '4baa7551933fbf26158a619c3084ccdd5c0d81930b3e74a85a33ad26d13f1a55',
    txo_index = 0,
    address   = Address.from_string('1Dy6qCRsjJ4Y3BYv7m9nf12aUMXD4RWMHC')

# 2. Create a MultisigOutput, given a known public keys and required signatures:
out0 = MultisigOutput.create(
    amount         = 1000,
    pubkeys        = [ pubkey1, pubkey2, pubkey3 ],
    min_signatures = 2

# 3. Create the Transaction:
tx = Transaction(inputs = [ in0 ], outputs = [ out0 ])

# 4. Sign the first Input:
signed_tx = tx.sign([ privkey ], 0)

Object Model

All of the classes described below extend namedtuple. Once created, their basic properties are immutable. They can be hashed, compared, printed and serialized.

These basic classes are available for import in the bitforge module.

from bitforge import PrivateKey, Transaction


PrivateKey(secret = None, network = networks.default, compressed = True)

A PrivateKey object holds a secret number, or generates a random secret if None is provided. The secret must be an int between 1 and SECP256k1 maximum.

It's usually created using one of the factory methods listed below.

Static methods

PrivateKey.from_bytes(bytes, network = networks.default, compressed = True)

Create a new PrivateKey from a 32-byte binary str holding the secret.

PrivateKey.from_hex(string, network = networks.default, compressed = True)

Create a new PrivateKey from a 64-byte hexadecimal str holding the secret.


Create a new PrivateKey from a WIF-encoded str. It already includes network and compressed.

Instance methods


Returns the secret as a 32-byte str.


Returns the secret as a 64-byte hexadecimal str.


Returns a WIF-encoded key, including details from network and compressed.


Returns a matching PublicKey instance.


Same as to_public_key().to_address().


Returns a binary str containing the signed payload in Bitcoin-compatible DER format, using the SECPK256k1 elliptic curve.

.verify(signature, payload)

Verify that signature is valid for payload.


PublicKey(pair, network = networks.default, compressed = True)

A PublicKey object holds a pair of coordinates in the Bitcoin elliptic curve.

It's usually extracted from a PrivateKey, or created using one of the factory methods listed below.

Static methods

PublicKey.from_bytes(bytes, network = networks.default)

Create a new PublicKey from a binary str holding a pair, auto-detecting if it's compressed.

PublicKey.from_hex(string, network = networks.default)

Create a new PublicKey from a hexadecimal pair, auto-detecting if it's compressed.

Instance methods


Return a binary str representing the pair, which may be compressed.


Return a hexadecimal str representing the pair, which may be compressed


Return a matching Address instance.


Address(phash, network = networks.default, type = Address.Type.PublicKey)

An Address holds a Bitcoin address, hashed from a PublicKey.

It's usually extracted from a PublicKey, or created using one of the factory methods listed below.

Static methods


Create a new Address from a base58check-encoded str, auto-detecting network and type.


Create a new Address from a binary str, auto-detecting network and type.

Address.from_hex(string, network = networks.default)

Create a new Address from a hexadecimal str, auto-detecting network and type.


Create a new Address, derived from a PublicKey. Same as pubkey.to_address().

Address.from_script(script, network = networks.default)

Create a new Address from a Script, for Pay-to-Script transactions.

Instance methods


Return a base58check-encoded str representing the Address, including the network and type prefix.


Return a binary str representing the Address, including the network and type prefix.


Return a hexadecimal str representing the Address, including the network and type prefix.


Input(tx_id, txo_index, script, seq_number = FINAL_SEQ_NUMBER)

A Transaction Input. tx_id and txo_index point to an unspent transaction output.

The Input class can be instantiated directly, but the sign() method will raise. To really work with Inputs, you should use or create a subclass. These are available out-of-the-box, and described below:

  ↳ AddressInput
  ↳ ScriptInput
      ↳ MultisigInput

All subclasses have their Output counterparts.

Static methods


Deserialize an Input from a binary str.


Deserialize an Input from a hexadecimal str.


Read a serialized Input from a Buffer instance.

Instance methods


Serialize this Input to Bitcoin protocol format.


Serialize this Input to Bitcoin protocol format, and return it as a hexadecimal string.


Return a copy of this immutable Input, replacing the script.


Return a copy of this immutable Input, with an empty (0-byte) script.

.sign(privkeys, payload)

Return a new Input, with the same tx_id, txo_index and seq_number. The script will be replaced by a version including signatures.

To produce the signatures, the payload will be signed with all privkeys.

Input does not implement this method, as the inner workings change with different transaction types. Subclasses provide it.


AddressInput(tx_id, txo_index, address, seq_number = FINAL_SEQ_NUMBER)

A Pay-to-Pubkey-Hash Input, that can redeem funds sent to an Address. The sign() method takes a list of privkeys with exactly 1 key.

This is the counterpart of AddressOutput.

input = AddressInput(
  tx_id     = '4baa75...',
  txo_index = 0,
  address   = PrivateKey().to_public_key().to_address()
ScriptInput(tx_id, txo_index, script, seq_number = FINAL_SEQ_NUMBER)

A Pay-to-Script-Hash Input. script must be an instance of Script.

This is the counterpart of ScriptOutput.

input = ScriptInput(
  tx_id     = '4baa75...',
  txo_index = 0,
  script    = Script(...)
MultisigInput(tx_id, txo_index, pubkeys, min_signatures, seq_number = FINAL_SEQ_NUMBER)

A special case of Pay-to-Script-Hash Input, where script is internally set to a standard multi-signature Script.

Create it with an array of PublicKey pubkeys, and specify min_signatures.

This is the counterpart of MultisigOutput.

input = MultisigInput(
  tx_id          = '4baa75...',
  txo_index      = 0,
  pubkeys        = [ PrivateKey().to_public_key(), PrivateKey().to_public_key() ],
  min_signatures = 1


Output(amount, script)

A Transaction Output. amount is an int of satoshis, script is a Script instance.

The Output class can be instantiated directly, but the recommended approach is to use or create a subclass. For each of the Input subclasses described above, there is an Output subclass counterpart.

  ↳ DataOutput
  ↳ AddressOutput
  ↳ ScriptOutput
      ↳ MultisigOutput

Static methods


Deserialize an Output from a binary str.


Deserialize an Output from a hexadecimal str.


Read a serialized Output from a Buffer instance.

Instance methods


Serialize this Output to Bitcoin protocol format.


Serialize this Output to Bitcoin protocol format, and return it as a hexadecimal string.



A non-redeemable OP_RETURN Output that includes up to 80 bytes of arbitrary data in the transaction Script.

AddressOutput(amount, address)

A Pay-to-Pubkey-Hash Output, that can send funds to an Address.

ScriptOutput(amount, script)

A Pay-to-Script-Hash Output. script must be an instance of Script.

MultisigOutput(amount, pubkeys, min_signatures)

A special case of Pay-to-Script-Hash Output, where script is internally set to a standard multi-signature Script.

Create it with an array of PublicKey pubkeys, and specify min_signatures.


Transaction(inputs, outputs, lock_time = 0, version = 1)

A complete Transaction, created with a list of Input and Output instances, and optionally with lock_time and version.

As all other basic objects, a Transaction is immutable. Modifications and signatures produce new Transaction instances.

Static methods


Deserialize a Transaction from a binary str.


Deserialize a Transaction from a hexadecimal str.

Instance methods


Return this Transaction's Bitcoin ID.


Serialize this Transaction to Bitcoin protocol format.


Serialize this Transaction to Bitcoin protocol format, and return it as a hexadecimal string.

sign(privkeys, txi_index)

Return a copy of this Transaction, where the Input at txi_index has been signed with all privkeys.

The method used to sign a particular Input is delegated to the input object itself, as implemented by the corresponding Input subclass.


First, get the code:

git clone [email protected]:muun/bitforge.git; cd bitforge;

Then, create a new virtualenv for this project:

sudo pip install virtualenv
virtualenv env

Activate virtualenv:

source env/bin/activate

Then, install bitforge's dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the tests to make sure everything is working:

py.test tests/


[Not under active development]







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Contributors 4

