latex2edx conversion xserver
22-Jan-13: updated to produce XML consistent with new edX course format;
22-Jan-13: don't use edXsequential anymore; edXsection compiles into <sequential>
now, by default.
For examples, run DOTEST
This command:
python -prefix "49_" test3.tex
should produce this content for 1.00x/course.xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<course number="1.00x" url_name="1.00x Fall 2012">
<chapter url_name="Unit 1">
<sequential display_name="Introduction">
<problem url_name="49_Problem_1"/>
<problem url_name="49_Problem_2"/>
<problem url_name="49_Problem_3"/>
<vertical display_name="A sample vertical - multiple problems in one day">
<problem url_name="49_Problem_3.5"/>
<problem url_name="49_Problem_4"/>
<problem url_name="49_Problem_4"/>
For images, make sure the directory path "static/html" exists.